Reviews & Client Comments


I get emails from my clients everyday these are some recent comments ( I add more when I think of it so if you visit often read down for new comments).


*Hi Will– we used your services about 10 years ago. My dog was afraid of other people— especially me. One three hour lesson was all it took. She is doing great for the past decade– a totally different dog thanks to you.

Can’t thank you enough for your patience and expertise

Steve and Rebecca

Safety Harbor, Fl


*Will, I am grateful and amazed beyond words.  I couldn’t take one more day like yesterday and had no confidence this morning before you helped us that anything would change.

Aurora and I will be diligently working your plan and will keep you updated on progress and/or questions.

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Jane H.

Bradenton, FL

*This is only after 3 days of using your methods what a major
difference already. Me and Jen can not thank you enough for your time
last Friday !!!!

Thank you

Jason Y.

Sarasota, FL

*Hi Will,

We have completed a week of training and I wanted to give you an update on how Koa is proceeding.  We have been doing all of our
homework and we are so excited that she is showing GREAT progress.
She has shown better levels of calm behavior and increased
levels of being tuned into us.

She visited with a neighbor dog she had met before and then the sand
hill cranes started walking around our street right in front of our
driveway.  We stood by the garage door and she quietly watched 5
of the cranes SLOWLY walk around back and forth in front of our yard.
She sat down and just watched.  I got only one bark and
that is when 2 of them stepped into our yard on the grass.  I
never knew that sand hill cranes could be such a great training tool!
Thought you would get a kick out of that story!

Will, thank you so much for the blood, sweat and time you put in with her last week.  It is definitely paying off and she even seems to
enjoy the training.  Koa has always been a very happy dog, but
she really seems to have an extra little spark in her now that we are
talking her language

Talk to you soon,

Warren & Koa


*Hi Will,

It was such a pleasure meeting you today and starting to learn the
process to help Sky become a more balanced dog! It is also a relief
to now have a method to follow to achieve that goal.

Many thanks again for your time and expertise! Take care!


Janet & Sky

Springs, FL

*Major is doing much better since we left Tampa. He can walk a mile several times a day without issue. we walked between 2 dogs on right and 1 on the left and he looked but didn’t react.  He is trusting me more to protect him and walks like a champ.  Thanks

Dixon W.


* It has been two weeks since we met Will, the changes in our dogs are AMAZING! Will has helped us reach a higher level of communication, a way of communicating that our actually understands! The drills have increased our bond and trust together, something I expect every dog owner desires. If you have a new puppy at home or some challenges with your current dog, don’t hesitate, call Will.

Barbara C.

Venice, FL

*Hello Will –

We are over the moon with your guidance and leadership!

Thank you for the time and the follow-up phone call from your email!!

Thus far everything is going steadily and wonderful.

you so much!!

Mairi J.


*Will certainly lives up to everything he says on his website. He has a wealth of knowledge that he happily shares with pet owners to give us tools to resolve our pet’s behavior issues. We saw first hand how his tips worked to calm our dogs and give us confidence we are going to have success quelling their aggressive behavior by following his simple steps. Thank you Will for your help.

Ron and Barb,

Naples Fl.

* First Success Will. I left Giffy in the car and went to get the mail.
I walked up to her window before I left. Not one sound. No screaming
crying barking whining. She just sat and waited. A flippin’

Thank you SO SO MUCH for your help with us so that she can have a better


Call or email any day any time: I offer sessions 7 days a week

[email protected]


Landline no text

*Hi Will

I was eager to contact you today after your visit and after our recent “homework” assignments. I must thank you for being here, listening, watching, teaching, and giving me the tools to be a better dog lover/owner. It was exhilarating.

So, again my thanks for helping readjust my mindset so I can once again enjoy working with this dog that I am so in love with, and offer to have him help others in the community using his new skills.

If I run out of your cards to hand out I will let you know.!!!

Gay H.

Venice, FL

*GM Will,

It was my pleasure to meet you…and honored that we are now part of your pack!

Roscoe is doing very well. We’ve had 3 dog encounters since we met & he hasn’t gone crazy…No barking or growling! He will attempt to pull in the other dog’s direction, but it’s fairly easy to shut that down using your technique.

Thank you again & I’ll keep you posted on Roscoe’s progress.


Sue A.

Holmes Beach, FL

*Hi Will

I just wanted to let you know that you have done so much for my mom and I in one in one day the stress level in the house has been reduced by 90 percent. It’s so simple and therapeutic for both us and the dogs You gave us the keys that
we needed..

Thank you very much


Lake Alfred, Fl



*Just wanted to share a success and will absolutely be leaving a great review on Google as well!! Last night, after only 2 days of using your methods, we were able to leave Luke & Mila for over an hour. Could’ve left for much longer too. As you can see he was very relaxed and felt safe!! I wanted to cry tears of joy for this sweet boy who was so scared for who knows how long. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. We are so appreciative.

Lindsay T.
Sarasota, FL


I don’t know if I ever told you this but 4 ½ years ago I called you because our dog wouldn’t stop chasing our cat. We did a hone session and the advice you gave worked immediately and after a few times, permanently! My cat has since passed but I still think of you from time to time and I just wanted to thank you! Blessing to you!

Kind Regards,

Becky L.

*Hi Will

Hope all is well. Attached is a short video clip of Finley after 2 weeks of us using your training techniques with him. Much easier to walk him now. We are still working on the homework assignments with Finley and all of us are happier.

Hope you’re able to view the video.

Kal & Sabin T.

Punta Gorda. FL

*Thank you again.  I really think I got this!  So excited for the outcome of having a calm Kori and well balanced Kori!

Bev Z.

*Hello,Thank you again for today it was a great honor to work with you we were so impressed with your knowledge and teaching methods for both us and Gus and Angel. We did our afternoon homework and it went well tonight when we were outside in the yard he did not even bark at people riding their bikes by or try to chase a rabbit or bark at neighbors that were out around us sitting on their patios it was quite amazing several people on their bikes even commented. Thanks again and take care we are still smiling and so grateful
Carol A.


*”We are doing great! Thanks for all your help :)” Sharon P.

*“I absolutely love what we learned and what Max is learning. I can see him thinking and I love that. He is watching us more and interacting and we love that. So far, we are very pleased.  Will keep you informed. Thank you so very much!

Max and his humans!”


*”Thank you for working with Bella yesterday- I always knew she was a smart dog but we never knew how to bring it out of her. She was the lead dog and we were the followers-

Not anymore.

After you worked with her yesterday she is totally like a different dog!!!We cannot believe it!!!

Then the final test was taking her for a walk tonight-SHE HEELED FOR ME!! She was a pleasure to walk for the first time ever.

Thank you- Thank you and if you ever need a recommendation call me!!!”
Carolyn I.

*“Thank you again for all your help. We are doing much better. Still a few incidents of growling but much less and no biting!! Improvement!!  Thank you so much for your time, experience and energy. I feel very confident now that Leif will be a balanced dog.  Janna”

*“Liberty is doing great!  Making great strides and the kids feel comfortable walking her.  Still stays on her own side of the road, doesn’t attempt to make contact with another dog but doesn’t run from them either.  Thanks Will.  Kimberly and Stefanie”

*“I just wanted to give you an update on Lucky.  I just got back from the best walk I’ve had!”

*“Schatzie’s doing great and I have tried out some of your techniques out on our other dogs with success”

*“Training has been an eye opener.  .  It is working.  We are getting meals together, for us and the dogs, without dogs in the kitchen.  We’ve been making the dogs wait quietly at the door before going outside and they do well.  Walks with Petie have been pretty good.”

*“Thanks so much for yesterday.. Its one thing to read a book or be told to do something, but to see it done hands on, always works best for me.  I intend to implement all that I learned, and I am sure that Candy will be happier because of it.”

*“Macy is doing one hundred million times better and even has more confidence than before. 🙂  I did what you told me and made her walk through her fear.”

*“Winston is doing great!  He did fine at home when Adam went out of town, although he was certainly happy to see him return.”

*“An update on Sophie: she is now 1 year old, and I am surprised I made it that long 🙂 she socializes well, doesn’t dominate dogs or is submissive all the time, she knows her place. She walks well w me now and behaves much much better. She has learned not to jump anymore, listens better and takes car rides and baths like a champ. Overall, she’s so much better and I am so proud of her.
Thanks Will 🙂 :)”

*“Romeo is doing good, we go for 3.2 mile walks usually every day except Tuesday and Thursdays (I’m not home at all) and on those days he gets to play with a great mastiff so I think he is pretty content… ha. The backpack is working out great… it is amazing how much it changes him… If he doesn’t have it on and I try to take him for a walk he will try and run back to the apartment, but if he has it on he flies out of the apartment complex!”

*“HI, Will!  Chuck & I were just talking about you the other day……Kippy, Sammy, and Rosebud have adjusted to the north and absolutely LOVED the winter (still snowing as I am writing this!)  They are doing sooooo well and are well behaved and believe it or not……housebroken! “

*“Hi Will, Samantha is doing quite well on our walks. The other morning we were on a walk and we got charged by an unleashed dog.  Samantha and I remained calm and she stood there and let the dog sniff her, I was so proud of both of us! Thanks again for all your help.



*“Hi Will… Candy is doing well… we make strides every day… Happy EasterCindy & Dave” “Jake is doing great! I can walk him and stop to talk to a neighbor and he lays down by my feet and doesn’t move until I’m ready to go. He also likes a neighbor’s 7 month old baby. Chloe can pull on his ears, pet him, etc. and he doesn’t mind. He responds with kisses to her face and hands. He has come a long way and I can’t thank you enough!”

*”Hi Will.  I like the idea of the pack walks.  Redd is doing well.  The coolest thing I have taught him is “Relax”.  I give him the command to sit then lay down, which normally only puts him on his haunches.  Then I say “relax” and he actually rolls over to his side and relaxes! Anyway, you gave us the tools we needed to get Redd and our lives under control.  I thank you so much!”

We would recommend Will’s dog training services to anyone who needs or wants some help with their dog(s). We had tried other dog training before and it did not work, but Will had our dogs responding in the first couple of minutes – and most importantly, was able to teach us how to start training our dogs easily and quickly!!!!

Brad C.

Lakewood Ranch,  FL

Hi Will,

Thank you so very much for coming over today.  Not only did we enjoy meeting you, we learned so much from your techniques.  We have been using our new skills all day today and we are just amazed at the difference in all 3 of our dogs.

This was the first evening that we were able to control our dogs in the backyard.  We had every perfect scenario this afternoon:  neighbors walking up, passersby walking their dogs, joggers, mailman, yard service, but after using your methods, we gained control quickly and without resorting to yelling, getting excited or having to put them inside the house.  Brody and Bentley actually just laid down on the patio with us.

Seeing such great results so quickly really motivates you to continue taking control by using these steps.

Thank you, Will!!

Melissa & Rob

St. Pete Beach, FL

Hi Will,

Thank you, all the things you taught me make sense. It is so amazing.

Peggy W.

Venice, FL

Thanks Will.

After two days, Stu is a champion walker with purpose, allowing me to lead and decide where to go with little to no resistance. I had guests last night and he did great. I am enjoying him more and I think he’s enjoying the attention and work.

Best regards,

Ed M.

Bradenton, FL

*“Over all he’s really doing well on the walks!  Eating isn’t an issue at all.  That was taken care of rather quickly.  He waits patiently for his food now.  Over all I’m very happy with him and any work that needs improvement is really work on my part….being consistent and my own patience.  But he’s awesome!  Roxie too!!! Thanks!!!”

*“ Mischa is doing really good and I just put new carpeting down that’s how good she is getting.  Kathy”

*“Boston is doing very well. We are very happy so far with walking outside and his overall progress. Thank you very much.

* “Kramer has been loose in the house — not even a gate  – 24/7 for the last 7 days without incident.  I am starting to feel a little like the pack leader! :)”

*“Thank you for all of your help and training with our dog Roscoe.  He has really improved a lot with his behaviors.  We did the exercises and kept up with them since you left at the end of December and he no longer barks when we leave or has improved with his accidents in our apartment.”

*“Things are continuing to improve. No accidents since we started walking sessions.

*“Jake is doing great!! He has 3-4 play dates a week and they do well together. We had company at the end of the year and he was a perfect gentleman. He loved all the attention but he behaved himself and really missed them when they were gone.”

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* “Dear Will,
Homework started the moment you left!
I am the happiest camper out on Longboat, since you have been  here!!!!!
Pinot is a different Puppy right now and I “intend” to keep it this way!
Thank you so much in giving me these guidelines, I don’t think, that there will be a problem following them!”

* “Hey Will,

Thanks again for your advice and leadership. I can’t wait to try all of my homework—an “excuse” to spend more time w/ my dogs.”

*“Thank you for all of your help and training with our dog Roscoe.  He has really improved a lot with his behaviors.”

*“Petey is already responding in a positive way.  I think the handson approach is great.  Gives us an opportunity to learn the procedures as you look on and instruct.”

*“I loved the clinic, and have worked already with Frankie and Sophie.”

*“Had a great time at the clinic!  I will seek your advice if any questions arise.”

*“Cody, the 8 lb biting poodle is almost like a regular dog now! He has not attempted to bite my husband. Either of us can put him to bed. He is taking good power walks. He does not even attempt to come to the table.  He will not approach food unless given permission to do so.”

*“Thank you very much for your correspondence.  We were happy with the time you spent with us and we are enjoying the work with the dogs and are happier to have them as our pets again.”

*“Your tips are working great. Thank you again for your help,”

*“I hope I don’t jinx anything here, but had to rave about my successes on the way home!”

“I did not mean to write an epistle here, but wanted you to know what a paramount difference there is in my little man.”

*“We had a great day!”


*“As you know, my dogs have had three previous trainers, but there was no change for the better.  I had given up all hopes of ever being able to have my dogs even get close to another dog without barking, fighting or biting.  It was really helpful to have them interact with Pappy so that they could see another dog willing to play with them without a confrontation.”

*“We honestly have noticed a difference in her…she seems to be treating us with greater respect and the biting on the hands has completely subsided.”

*“I wrote the lady’s at southeast guide dogs an e-mail thanking them for the recommendation to you and telling them what a positive experience we had with you so to keep referring!”

*“We are both very appreciative of you working with us yesterday.  We learned a lot”.

*“Again, both of us can’t tell you how worth we feel our session with you was.”

*“It’s comforting to know that if we have any questions or need additional help we can call or email you”.

*“I just had to write you a really quick email and tell you about the champion walker we have! We can’t thank you enough. “

*Oliver just went on a 20 minute walk without pulling, hesitation, or any issues at all! He is happy and loving his walks. I can’t believe this is my puppy. The last few days he has been a new dog.

*“Hey Will; I know it’s only been 25 hrs. since you were here, but so far Selah’s’ doing much better on the leash.”

*“It’s going GREAT !!’

*“The dogs are doing well. There has not been anymore damaged furniture”

*“The dogs are doing great!  Right now they have mastered staying out of the kitchen when we want them to, as well as the front door greeting.”

*“The trash can incidents stopped since I took your ideas”

*“Things are going pretty good. Ginger has not chewed up anything else in the house. They both are doing a lot better when someone comes to the front door and then greeting them when they come inside.”

*“I am so happy!  She is a great girl and I told her you would be the answer to her problems!”

*“We’ve been going on walks for at least 30 minutes in the morning, and he’s been doing great!”

*“Overall, he’s doing much better!”

*“She’s doing well. The changes have definitely made an improvement. She is now free to roam all day around the house”

*“Everything is going great.”

*”Although I’m pretty “pooped out” when I finally come home, I do go on a *”training” walk for at least 30 minutes. I know, it might not seem very long, but considering she NEVER used to walk in the first place, believe me, she’s happy.”

*“He’s really doing great.  Maria and I are really sticking to the plan, and seeing a tremendous difference. “


More Recent Comments From Clients

*“I have been meaning to tell you how GREAT Lido has been with our new baby.

She’s very good w/the baby.  Thank you so much for the tips you gave us.  They really helped!”

*“Thank you so very much! We’ve already seen a big improvement with Liberty! She has not once begged or jumped up at the dinner table.”

*“We are amazed at the change in his behavior; we all look forward to walk time and walks are longer and more frequent. We both agree that our communication level with him has improved and therefore our relationship with our boy has risen to a higher level. We might have some questions later, but right now we are enjoying the peace and calm!
Thank you again.”

*“Jake has been doing well.  Jake is also getting along the 2 dogs down the street and I love being able to stop and talk to neighbors and have Jake sit by my side. I can’t thank you enough for your help.”

*“I took your advice last night & it went great! I plan to keep doing this daily so he remembers what we’ve practiced.”

*“Just wanted to let you know that Hazel seemed to make a huge improvement tonight.  I was able to get her to walk back and forth in front of the cat with very little trouble.”



*“I have been meaning to tell you how GREAT Lido has been with our new baby. Thank you so much for the tips you gave us.  They really helped!”

*“Izzy’s barking is less and she appears to be a little less fearful of people in the house. When we take our walks she is on alert but not terrified.”

*“Oh, I am once again excited!!!!!  Thanks for your persistence with me and your understanding. “

*“Things seem to be going well with Koda as far as meeting other dogs, and not knocking people over as they come in the door.”

*“Well, I got to tell you, you’re suggestions have been right on the money. Will, I can’t thank you enough.  It’s great to have you to bounce things off of, and have you get me back on track.”

*“I am really being diligent about doing what you told me too and have definitely seen  improvement with how she is responding to me.  Thanks again for coming out yesterday!”

*“It’s going well…Every day there’s improvement.”

“*Overall, he is a joy, and becomes more a dog with each passing day. We all seem to balance each other more and more as time passes.  Can’t thank you enough!”

*“Will, thank you for your patience and your help. So far we have had no negative encounters with other dogs we encountered many at the park and things were fine.”

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[email protected]



*“Thank you for your guidance.  The session was worth every penny.” “It’s going well…Every day there’s improvement. We will keep you posted and call or email with questions.”



*“We are having very good results with the training and homework for Romeo and Jasmine. We are really amazed by how fast these methods work and how simple the methods are.”

*“Just wanted to let you know that Spencer had probably the best walk with the regular collar yesterday evening. This morning, Jeff helped me and walked Spencer first and I switched him out with Macy.  They did awesome!  Jack helped me just a little while ago and walked both dogs separately and then together at the same time.  I think Jack was on cloud nine walking two dogs at once:) “Macy was laying on the floor in the kitchen a little distance from me and Jeff walked right up to her, got on the floor with her and loved on her with Macy looking at him the way she looks at me usually which is awesome!!!  She sat with everyone before bed that night and was very calm.  I saw a lot of hope and promise. A great finish to a great day 🙂 She is doing remarkably well and looks peaceful and happier.  I also figured out that meeting dogs on the walk with Spencer is no big deal and I am not worrying about it anymore 🙂 Spencer is listening better and is not in charge anymore on the walks:) We can’t thank you enough…”

*“Thank-you so much for all of your guidance and knowledge. I  know this will go well and am excited to do this everyday, I love it. You did an amazing job with Dixie. I will keep you updated. By the way, so far today it is going great, she remembers everything from yesterday. Thanks again.”

* “Well I brought Dixie out to the barn today. When I brought Zippy out of his stall to put out in the paddock, Dixie was very respective of him, then I turned Zippy out and he rolled and when he got up he started to trot and Dixie shot like a bullet towards the gate to get at him. I was standing in the doorway of the tack room in no position to stop her so I let out a loud grunt (like you taught me) and to my amazement, she stopped in her tracks, I mean stopped so hard and fast that she almost went butt over her head and then she trotted back to me. I couldn’t believe it! The rest of the morning went the same. I really enjoyed her at the barn today, she had a good time too, not having to be tied. Thank-You so much!”

*“Thanks for everything you taught us on Saturday.  Overall, it’s being going well. We’re working on our homework. We’ll keep you posted. Thanks!”

*“Macy is doing great and keeps improving up to this day!” “Jake is doing great!! We are still following the plan!! He is wonderful on leash and doing great with me” “It’s going pretty well. The next morning when I ran with Ben he did great.” “Tonight has been a totally different night from the past couple of weeks. Thanks so much and I’ll keep in touch. You are the greatest!!” “Rocky is the greatest dog ever!  Seriously, we can’t get over how he has come along. He hasn’t damaged a single thing, not even as much as a flip flop.  You wouldn’t recognize him either.  He’s 75 lbs. and still growing.”

*HI Will,

I wanted to give you an update on Henry. He is doing MUCH, MUCH better. The nipping has been pretty much eradicated and he is 90% potty trained.  Walks are FABULOUS now! Walking him with my son has become so much easier. We have not seen any aggression with other animals as we were starting to see. Overall we are seeing HUGE Improvements.

We are sending referrals your way.

Thank you.

Laura Nwagbaraocha

* “Thank you for giving us direction with our dogs and enlightening us on dog psychology.  It’s truly remarkable once you understand the way they think how things start to change.”

*“Sophie has been improving a great deal inside the home. She isn’t as challenging indoors, at the table or jumping and her “accidents” have almost stopped.”

*“They are doing better, a bit confused because we’re having the floors fixed so it’s crazy here, but they are doing wonderfully.  Especially Logan.  He still jumps a bit but he quickly realized it gets him no where fast so it’s amazing.  🙂  They are fabulous.”

*“They seem to be doing better already.  Thank you SO much.”

*“Thanks for working with us. I’ve had some success already!  #1. My daughter came back with her friends after you left. The dogs barked and ran for the door.  I  was able to stop Daisy in her tracks. #2 Sunday morning Dusty raids the trash.  He finds a delicious Cream cheese container and takes off.  I  corner him against the couch and he drops it (after about a minute).  I then claim the container as my own.  He looks at it longingly for a minute then walks away. #3 There is someone new at the dog park.  Daisy ambles over to him gives him a sniff and walks away! #4  I walked the dogs without any pulling or problems!  Thanks again! “

*“We are at our 4 week point since  you visited our home. We are very pleased with the changes in Max. The biggest change is that WE own the whole front door area, not Max! If he happens to be at the front door when someone is coming to the door, we just say “ah ah” and he runs away, almost like he has been shot! He remains calm and it is just great!!  He now pays more attention to us and what we are doing.  He is doing very well with not barking when we ring the door bell. Thank you so much for your help!  We are much, much happier with our “little boy.  Thank you for all your assistance.  We appreciate all that you taught us.”

*” Just a note to let you know that Jazz is behaving very well.  He even comes when I call him to go for a walk. Thanks again for your help.”

“Thanks again for today!  I fed Franky after you left…. I did what you told me and he calmed right down and sat patiently until I placed the food down!

Also wanted to point out that both have been passed out since eating!!!  Except for changing sleep positions and going outside once…..comatose!!!!!!!  It’s been such a peaceful night!  I’ve been able to get some much needed rest myself!….it’s been a relaxing evening!  I’m so impressed!  Thank you so much!”


Three days and I see a difference already.Yea!!”

*“She is a joy to walk!!  The drills are also working.  She is so much calmer.”

*“He was GREAT on Christmas day when we had 13 people and a Bichon here all day.”

*“Much better. She did well on bay front last week, where these pics were taken.”

*“Simply amazing.  We have been consistent and diligent with walks, and the drills and already there is a vast improvement.  I took both puppies out separately after our morning walk and ran them behind a bike I was riding.  They loved it!!!!  Thanks so much, your advice is making the house stable again.”

*“They are doing better, a bit confused because we’re having the floors fixed so it’s crazy here, but they are doing wonderfully.  Especially Logan.  He still jumps a bit but he quickly realized it gets him no where fast so it’s amazing.  🙂  They are fabulous.”

“*Rocky’s training is going well.  The difference is notable. I took them out together by myself this morning and was able to control the situation, even when other dogs passed us.”

*“I am very pleased with the progress we have made in just a day. I’ll keep you posted on our progress!”

*“Thank you!!! I don’t know who was more tired last night me or the dogs!  I feel like I learned so much yesterday! Thanks thanks again! I feel with a little work over the next couple weeks I’ll soon be another of your great testimonials.”

*“Thought I’d give you a quick update.  Our household is busier now with training and following your homework and behavioral skills but it is also so much more relaxed and enjoyable.  Wilson is coming along fine and is finding his place so to speak. I  can’t thank you enough for your help.  Again, thank you!!!!  I am so glad God led me to you and I did not go through with putting Wilson down or getting rid of him.”

*“Hello Will – we are moving right along…things are looking up!  With all of the training going on in the house, by the time its TV relax time we are all worn out. Thanks again!!”“the walk went well too – leashed her up and nice smooth walk no problem!!! Amazing!”“Will – Thank you again for helping us correct our behavior LOL.  We saw a difference last night in the way she reacted to us with just the few changes made yesterday!”“Many thanks for your superb service. We are observing steady
progress in the “taming of the shrew” as Greta’s response to the applied techniques is steady”. “Thanks Will! We are really excited about this and so much appreciate your services and genuine interest and love of dogs.”

*“As for the house guests, it was DEFINITELY better. My son’s girlfriend (who was scared of her) actually played with her comfortably with no one else in the house, so that was a BIG step!!” “Will, I was getting dressed for work this morning and grabbed my phone to take this AMAZING photo.  I would never have imagined.   I am still going to put together a testimonial but just haven’t gotten around to it.  I do however sing your praises to all of my friends and those who will listen! Cheers!” “Lottie has become Wilson’s best bud.  We sat outside one night and literally watched them run and play with the stick for 40 minutes. It is great – thank you again!”

*“We had our single lesson with Will and that was all we needed to get a sense of how to mange our new dogs. We now call or email him when we have a further question, but basically, we got it. Will’s philosophy and training worked for us and the dogs.” “Jessie is doing so much better!” “Greta has transformed into a loved member of this household. We will not let her go. Many thanks for your pointers that were key to her transformation.”

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*“I just wanted to update you on the dogs.  Macy went through fireworks time with flying colors.  It was more than a few days of the noise and flashing (especially at night). She seemed to let it go as soon as it was over and tolerated it while it was happening.  She didn’t like it but never froze up or tried to bolt.  I was so happy for her.  I tried to be more calm and relaxed.  She also is much more calm (as am I) when we see and pass a dog.  I actually go out with just her around doggie rush hour to do some drills with her.  It has really helped me too not to be so nervous which is really the problem.”

*“Hey will, It’s a beautiful day!  (OK, can you hear the confidence?)   Have lots of goods things to say, but I’m in a rush and gotta get moving today.”

*“HI Will! Thank you for helping us today with “the dogs”. All of us benefited!” “This is the first email before you even get home. About 2 minutes after you left Diego went to bother Eddie under the table and a fight nearly started  and I nearly went into panic mode but the piece of paper was on the table and the first  word CALM jumped out at me so  I took a deep breath and claimed the space which didn’t stop Diego he went around me and under the table again and it passed through my mind this will not work but then I remembered the next word consistent so  I kept breathing and kept at it and made Diego back up and as Eddie saw I was taking charge NO FIGHT.  YES I did it!  I have some trust in my self that I can cope and I can control the situation.  It’s so true what you say about it not being the dog but the owner, thanks for giving me the confidence to control the situation and gain some trust from my dogs . They are both fast asleep now ALL IS CALM. Thanks for making it possible!” 

*“Hi Will, After Dinner something happened that they had not done since they were about year old (4 yes ago!), they started to play together! They played and mouthed each other and rolled around together! It was so amazing to see them happy and behaving like they use to it nearly made me cry.  Thanks Will!” 

*“Will Thought you would like to know that Spartan is no longer living on his chain. Overall things are so much better here. They are great with the horses now. We are still working on everything so hopefully it keeps improving. Clients love that they don’t chase cars and jump up when they first arrive. Thanks! I’m sure we will have more questions but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your help”.  “I wanted to tell you.. My mom and I took him to the beach the other day, and he was like a new dog ha, he absolutely loved it! He ran through the waves with his tail wagging like crazy. He would even go out farther in the water where he had to swim if I went with him. But it was so crazy.. we walked for probably 30 minutes.. and he was wagging his tail the entire time, greeting everyone and running through the water. Maybe I should just move to the beach.. ha. Thanks for all your help!”

* “Thanks so much Will! We are doing our homework and there have been no messes in the house since you left!

You even have Scott thinking differently, well done!!!

* “We are very happy with how the training is going though and even our neighbors noticed a difference when they came out to talk to us.  Thank you so much and I am sure I will be keeping you up to date as we progress.Thank you again,Lis” “Thank you Will.  We really appreciate everything you taught us.  We are confident that we will have a happy, well balanced home, with two well behaved dogs that everyone will love.  We have been practicing what you showed us, and are seeing great improvement.  Thanks again.  I’ll keep you posted on their progress, and hopefully see you soon at one of your pack walks.


*“Thanks so much Will. It was such a pleasure to meet with you and learn from you. We can already see how this will help us be better dog owners. Beth”

*“Hi Will.
We enjoyed working with you & learned a lot.  I have been applying your plan since Sunday & have seen good improvement especially in the house.  She is walking better on a loose lead, but needs occasional reminders. Thanks!”

*“Actually they are a hundred percent better… No chewing of anything at all.  Sam only gets up on the counter now maybe once a week.  JZ”

*“Thank you so much for yesterdays training. The space claiming worked amazing with Trapper especially , WOW. This morning they had separate runs with no pinchy collars and then Mayas walk went really well with Rik,. While running with regular collars neither dog pulled to the front.
Very happy so far.  Have a great day!”

*“Greetings Will,
We wanted to let you know we are experiencing great results with your program. All phases show marked improvement in their behavior in just the past four days. Rik actually had an encounter with Maya and the next door Black Lab which was very much a non issue. She showed mild aggression but Rik stepped in front of Maya blocking her view of the Lab and it was quickly game over. We are following the regimen in proper order. Although we have not been able to actually “Run” them the past two days, their behavior is stellar despite this.
We will keep you posted!
Thanks again!
Rik Savering
Jodi Quinn
Trapper & Maya “

*“Good morning.  I just wanted to let you know that Makoto is doing good.  We have not put him in the cage since we visited you – so that has been a blessing.  Thank you for all you have done for us and God Bless. Karen R.”

Call or email any day any time: I offer sessions 7 days a week

[email protected]


Landline no text

*“Hi Will,

Thanks for your time and expertise yesterday This morning was great. Took him out as soon as he finished eating and he pooped and peed outside!! He actually stops at the door to let me out first! He has been so good today, when Laura opened the door, he didn’t run to the door as usual. He seems so relaxed now and we are going to do the other homework this afternoon.

Thanks again for everything and I will keep you posted on our continued path. Kathy C.”

*“Thanks Will!  Goose is already allowing us to give Maverick affection without butting in!  We are practicing with neighbors to come test them on the jumping.  The time it takes Goose to calm after someone enters is lessening. 🙂  Thanks for your help we’ll keep you updated!  Katie and John”

*“Hi Will,
We have been practicing and have noticed improvements!  Neither dog has been crated since Maverick broke his tooth and we haven’t had to make any repairs! 🙂 Maverick has been responding quickly and well to all the activities we’ve been doing.  He is more calm I’m noticing, too.  We’ve even claimed our bed and they sleep on theirs on the floor now! YAY!!  Katie :)”

*“Hi Will.  Just wanted to let you know that Benny & Tanner are getting along beautifully.  We are diligently doing our homework, and it’s working!  What a wonderful addition to our pack!  Thank you for your help.. Stephanie S.”

*“Will, Unbelievable.. We are doing everything you told us and you are so right… Don’t know how you learned  all of this.. but you are a great teacher…. Will really work on all the things you told us and know we are going to see a big difference soon.. We are so much dumber than our dogs…. oh my  Hope you get a good rest tonight and thanks again… Betty and Pat McLean and Sassy and Bee Gee

*assy got a gold star today she didn’t try to attack the big poodle on our walk that she loves to bark at…. Also she is doing much better with people.

Today walking with them again,  we met up with the cat lady who feeds the stray ones in her car and she got out and usual Sassy barks her head off with BeeGee following.. Not one bark today and I didn’t even have to say or do anything…. The cat lady couldn’t believe it was the same two dogs… ha ha ha….  Sassy is a fast learner for sure now. Still sorry she tried to bite you. Hardly any barking in the house as well.”

Thanks again… Betty

*“Thank you for the wonderful session.  For the first time since we got her, I feel hopeful that we can have a successful and wonderful loving relationship with Bella.


*“Thank you again for fitting us into your schedule so quickly, we enjoyed having you with us Saturday.  Things are going well, we noticed a marked improvement in both dogs in our walk last night. THANKS!!”

*“We are so encouraged after only three days!
Really see a difference on the walks.  Jack will now walk through an operating sprinkler system with me w/o balking.
Will keep you abreast of our training (Jack’s too) and are looking forward to your pack gathering. Thanks so much!” Mike

*“Thank you again for coming to work with my dogs. I really feel very comfortable with good progress after you worked with Cody. The trip to the dog park was truly amazing. Cody did not even try to eat any other dogs. He really did not even growl or bark, a true change.  I am sooo happy for him to be able to be able to do this so soon. It would have never been possible without your help. I know I still have a way to go but what a difference in such a short time! I thank you again for what you do and for helping my big boy Cody!”

Lora S.

Cody, Sierra and Willows mom”

*“Will,  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  By the way, did I thank you?  Bob was impressed and so was I. Wow.  So much better.” Thanks again. Karen  “Thank you so much! All the dogs are doing really well so far! We are excited to do our homework and see improvements.”


 *“Hi Will,It was great to meet you and we learned (& re-learned) so much!There already has been a marked improvement. We are looking forward to pack walk next month!!Thank you again!!” Elizabeth

“It was wonderful to have you come visit and to help with my pack. The behavior modifications for both them and me has helped me feel more confident in eliminating the “bad” behaviors efficiently and effectively.”


*“He’s doing remarkably.  I’m shocked How quickly he’s changed”


*“Hi Will… I can’t tell you how much fun Rocky and I had at your pack walk. He slept all the way home and I wanted to”.  James

*“No more dog fights.  Continuing on with program and improving steadily. Happy New Year!”  Mike

*“Well praise the Lord and pass the peaches, I think my girl is learning!!!!!!!  Today has been amazing.  This was the first morning in our 6 1/2 months together that she did not drag me outside to potty.  She walked nicely and did not pull me once!  It is so cool to see her thinking before she reacts. This is the biggest accomplishment yet.  YAY!!! Thanks, Sandi”

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*“I wish you could have seen her with Kaia this morning!!!!  (Kaia was her nemesis) You would not have been shocked like I was but it put tears in my eyes.  They played like best friends and my Hannah even went belly up giving Kaia full access to every part of her!!!!!!  I was THRILLED.  Hannah was the first to do it then Kaia did it too  This is the first time with any dog here except Zoey that she  played with joyfully. Thanks Will!!!”

“I don’t know if dogs have an “aha” moment but I think Cody had one. Not only did he walk beautifully next to me but people walked up to talk to me and he just stood there. Just stood there; didn’t try to back up or get behind me, just stood there! As you can tell I am sooooooo excited. I am so happy for Cody.”


*“Thank you so much for all your great advice on getting my confidence up and insuring me and my family that we can do this and have been doing it. But the best thing of all is that IT IS WORKING!!!”  Your Friend, Carol B.

*“Paco is doing incredibly well, and he has developed into a veritable traveling dog.  He has been with us all over the country visit to family, friends and also been a steady companion to me when we all travel together to Virgil’s baseball tournaments. Paco goes out with Virgil every evening on “power walks” to all the different stateparks and dog parks in Palmetto, Bradenton and Sarasota, which have been excellent for Virgil, as he has lost 9 lbs, whereas Paco have become more muscular. Paco has also become very social and loves to meet other dogs, it makes my heart sing when I see how happy he is to play with other dogs. Thanks Will!”

*“Dear Will- Thank you so much for all your help and knowledge  I learned TONS  Thank you for all and will keep in touch with his progress Many thanks, you are great and the boost I needed to have a well trained dog!” Donna Williamson and KONA

*“Thanks Will!!! Blue is doing great. We’re working with him in all if the things we went over yesterday. The kids like the doorbell exercise best. Even the neighbors have all ready noticed a change in Blue. Thanks for all if your help. We will keep you posted as we move forward. “
James Christmas

*“Hi Will….Our walk tonight was truly amazing!  Stan had the leash and Hoshi was walking between us…she was pulling ahead and Stan’s hand kept going up like an old lady carrying a purse so I reached over and just held his hand to relax that are and the most amazing thing happened…..Hoshi immediately stopped pulling and you could visibly see her slow down and relax…she did the entire walk between us never passing or pulling us.  We passed a cat she always barks at and when she saw it….she glanced at the cat then totally ignored it….never even tensed!  Looks like Stan and I will be holding hands a lot more often! It was our BEST WALK EVER!



*“Will: I just wanted to say THANK YOU again for the excellent teachings and for spending so much time with us yesterday. It was totally worthwhile and everything that you taught rang true with us. We were amazed at the demonstration you did with Sam and we will be working up toward that goal as we practice with him.”

Susan M.

*“I woke up this morning and greeted a different dog.  It’s like someone turned on a light bulb in his little head.    All of a sudden he got it.   we had a great walk, he doesn’t bark at the fence.  Even the workers that were out there all day cutting limbs.It was like magic.I am so proud of him  and i think he is proud of himself.  He walks with his head up high and he has that little shepherd strut i love so much.  I brush him every day and he shines like a new penny.  What a gorgeous, I can finally enjoy the beauty of owning a fine, healthy animal.  Lots of praise and generous amounts of love.We had a very good day,  I hope it continues.  of course the training continues all the time.  but I tell you it wasn’t easy.  And how strange that it seems like it happened overnight like that.  Weird?  I don’t care.  Results, extraordinary.”

Yvonne, Sonny and Dolly

*“Hi  Will,

I have been reluctant to give you an up-date as I didn’t want to “jinx” the great progress we have been making with Tanner!  Dick and I both have been walking Tanner. After a few days he settled in to the walk, letting us lead and not lurching at the “movers”.  I am just amazed at the difference in his response.  The last couple of days, I haven’t even felt him at the end of the leash….he is walking a bit behind and to the side of me, and not paying any attention to the “moving people”.  The squirrels still get his attention!…..but no more pulling away from us.Really, really appreciate your working with us. We are on our way to bringing Tanner into balance, establishing ourselves as leaders, and having a more peaceful relationship with him.”

Nancy Bolender

*“Everything is going great here with the Alexander Pack. It’s a lot of work with the three dogs, but we are committed. Thank you again for your help. We are well on our way to getting our house back and establishing a healthy pack.


Marshall Alexander”


Wanted to let you know the dogs are walking really great, staying beside or behind me.  This morning they didn’t go after the birds or squirrels. Were interested but we got by without pulling.”

*“Hi Will,

Just wanted to give you an update on the dogs.  I walked them both individually this morning.  They both did GREAT, best walk ever.  No pulling.  When we walked by a person, they both wanted to jump, but I was able to control them easily. I was also able to stop their fixation on a squirrel or bird with a sound.  Very happy so far.”

*“Well I took Tatzen out for a walk this morning and it was the best ever.  Walked all the way to Red Bug slough and he was fantastic.   Funny thing is he hasn’t tried to bulldoze me at computer as normal and Sui is lying here beside him and they are calm as can be, Love it!! Well worth the $spent.  I believe all will be well.   Thanks!  Sheila”

*“Hi Will-

Katie is doing just fine.  Walks w/neighbor and her well mannered rescue dog just fine.  Gave her some slack, and they were smelling noses and butts in no time.  No reaction to neighbor either.

I take her to the fence line and let  the pointers bark and carry on.  I can sit her down now about 4′ away and she doesn’t panic.  As you predicted, they lost interest soon.  She doesn’t mind going there now.

Had her out last night and told my over-friendly neighbor not to pet her or get bitten.  OF COURSE she knew dogs better and stepped by me to pet her.  Katie had a lot of licking and didn’t bite her. All is well, and Jean and I appreciate your help, time, and teachings.  Especially appreciate the extra lesson the other day.

Take care,  Bob”

*“ Hi Will,

We enjoyed our session very much!  Thanks!! Loraine”

*“  HI Will,   Shiloh is doing well, growing a lot. I’m slow on this training but working on it ….. I’ll get there.  She is walking just great!

Thank you so much.  Marsha”

*“Hi Will,

Thanks so much for your time and compassion to help Daize. We both learned a lot and I already see good changes in her. I look forward to keeping up with the plan and giving her that life she deserves.

Much appreciated,
Chris Marquez”

*“She is well and seems to be making good improvements in all areas. Definitely is more connected to me and is enjoying our runs on the skateboard. Chris”

“Well Sarah is progressing and we are definitely taking the CCAPP to heart. We are in our third week and she is watching us and have seen an improvement.  When walking we have met other dogs and Sarah has made great strides  (as have we) in not reacting. The changes are there but a while to go. I am keeping a daily journal that we will eventually share with you so that you can see our progress as well as what we do. Thanks!


* “Thanks Will.  Tom and I enjoyed our session with you.  We are seeing a huge difference already.  Stella”

*“Hi Will!

Lisa came over this morning and Hoshi was REALLY GOOD!  After a bit we released Hoshi and she tried to jump into Lisa’s lap once but Lisa told her UH UH and Hoshi just walked away.  YAY!

It was the first time ever that Hoshi stayed calm around her.

I’ll keep ya updated!

Thanks again!

Marthianne Cooper”

*“Hey Will,

Just to update….By the way, thank you for all your help…I love my furry kids and want to do the best for them. Cody has been good, really listening to me. Steve has been going by my “rules” ( not to know what else to call them) and I think the kids have been understanding who the leader is. Walks continue daily, and I definitely own the fence. Now all I have to do is make a sound to stop any barking. They usually are not even trying. So at this point all is well. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed!


*“t was so nice meeting you and we are very happy to report that, in a very short time, we are seeing results with our dogs.  We have been working hard on the homework you have given us. Thanks so much again for your expertise.  We feel excited and determined and will continue to check in with you from time to time.”


Bev & Alan

*“Hi Will,
Thanks again for everything today, I am feeling very confident about where we are headed. Thanks again,
Dawn B.”

*“Hi Will,

Just wanted to let you know I’m getting a slow start, but I’m getting a start  Everything you’ve taught is already showing a marked difference.  I am very happy about that, and will continue to build up into the full program.

  1. Olson”

*“Hi Will.

Everything is going real well with the pack (King, Stormy and Sable).


Donna E.

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*“Hello Will,

Things are not perfect yet, but we are certainly at the 98 % level. As long as I give him a chance to know it is me picking him up by putting my hand in front of him I can pick him up with no problem. He seems to have calmed down greatly. He doesn’t jolt awake like he used to when he is sleeping in my lap.  He really was not a dog that liked to be petted before all this happened. Now he asks me to pick him up and hold him.

So we are dealing with an aging dog who has made some big changes in behavior, some due to aging and some changes in behavior, and thanks to your help those behavioral  changes are to the good.


*“Hi Will-

Sorry so long getting back to you. Katie is doing just fine.  Walks w/neighbor and her  rescue dog just fine.  Gave her some slack, and they were smelling noses and butts in no time.  No reaction to neighbor either!

I take her to the fence line and let  the neighbor’s Pointers bark and carry on.  I can sit her down now about 4′ away and she doesn’t panic.  As you predicted, they lost interest soon.  She doesn’t mind going there now.

Had her out last night and told my over-friendly neighbor not to pet her or get bitten.  OF COURSE she knew dogs better and stepped by me to pet her.  Katie did a lot of licking and didn’t bite her!!!

Just took down the little fenced area outside the back porch door we used to have because we couldn’t control the dogs.  That was a nice event.

All is well, and Jean and I appreciate your help, time, and teachings.  Especially appreciate the extra lesson the other day.

Take care,



I cannot thank you enough for assisting us with Toby. He has come a long way in just a day’s time. Even the excessive barking has improved.

Thank you again

Judi Wickmann”

*“Hi Will,

The boys (Oliver & Milo) weren’t quite ready for July’s pack walk but they are working hard to be ready for the August one.

They have improved tremendously already!  Thank you for being so gentle and patient with them and teaching me to be CCAPP for them!!

Lorie I.”

*“Dear Will,
Pedro & Jose are doing great! It is amazing walking them instead of them walking me. My sister and boyfriend came over yesterday and the dogs were much better too.

*“Good morning Will!

I came home to 3 different dogs last night! I walked in calmly and confidently and they were instantly calm! I had to “claim” the window twice and after that Bella was quiet all night!  CoCo and I had the most wonderful walk and actually had 2 people comment on how well she was doing on the leash……a far cry from being dragged down the street!! Max and Lola strolled by the “cat house” with barely a glance and the whole time I was saying in my head “this is MY walk and my dogs will not bother the cats!” I know we have ALOT of work to do but I believe that knowledge is power and now I know that to be a good mommy I have to be a strong leader!

Thank you a thousand times!

Pam, Lola, Max, CoCo and Bella”

*Hello Will,
Milo’s personality changed. He is back to his fun loving himself, including his naughty ways! He has only had a couple of mistakes in the house! A huge improvement.
Thank you for your help! Your advice is being followed on a daily basis.
With Kind Regards,

Rakhsha Z.”

*Will: Thank you SO much for your reply. Yes, I need to revisit the training. We did almost everything you had recommended and with good results!  Most of his food aggression has gone away with the training, by the way.

THANK YOU again for your note…and I am revisiting the training principles immediately!


*“Hi Will,

We are so impressed.  Thank you for what you are doing for us.  Especially Mr. Bailey.

When our card playing friends came, he did bark when the door bell rang but as soon as I claimed the foyer he settled. So much better already!

They wanted to know what in the world we did to him.  He was so calm and relaxed all afternoon

We took him into the pet store and for the 1st time, he was perfect.  We were calm too.  Then we went to Panera’s for a bite to eat and took him with He was calm and perfect.

We are so happy to know that now everyone can see what a fine and smart boy he is.

We will do our homework.
Blessings to you and your family,

Ken, Pat & Mr. Bailey”


*“Will, your training principles are amazing. Lexi is responding very well.

Thank you so much for your help. I will keep you up to date as we continue our work.


*“Hi Will,
Bay and I are good, she is improving daily. Bay has not growled at other dogs on walks and we have stopped to talk on several occasions, she has been friendly. Thanks,

*“Hi Will!

Thank you for an amazing experience today with our dachshunds Shadow and Zoe. Already they are more balanced and happy. We are so thrilled we had you help us! I look forward to seeing you with our balanced and stable pack for your pack walk. Thank you again, Laurie and Roberto.”

*“Hi Will,

I attached all 3 dogs to my waist tonight and went for a light jog. It worked great! They all stayed behind me.  Some guy commented ‘wow, you have a lot of dogs!  I think he was pretty impressed! 😉 I’ll keep you posted of our progress. I think your approach is far more productive that what other trainers teach! Thank you for your guidance!!

Lenae’ B.”

*“Thank you so much for great advice!  Jagger is a different dog today!  Both walks we’re very successful and he never barked at the yard man today!  This is a first!

Marsha Jarrett”

*“Hi Will,
Bay and I are good, she is improving daily. Bay has not growled at other dogs on walks and we have stopped to talk on several occasions and she has been friendly.  Thanks!  Kendra”

*“Hey Will

You would be sooooo proud of Cody, he is such a wonderful boy. What a difference!. He was out with us at lunch today and he acted so good. He didn’t mind people walking by or strange noises, he got in and out of the car excited and ready to interact with the world. Willow continues to be a princess but it is such a sweetie. Doogie and Roxy just blend right in. The new puppy is coming around, at 5 months she is half brained  and active, but a good girl. The foster is coming around too. I hope to make the pack walk next month.

Thank you for all you do to help people (and the dogs)


*“Dear Will,

We enjoyed meeting you yesterday.  Thanks for everything, and we’ll keep you posted on our progress!


Lee Ann”

*“Hi Will – we really enjoyed the lesson and working with you yesterday.  Stay tuned for progress reports!!!”

Tim and Tracy

Click Here To Email Me
[email protected]

*“Hi Will,

Just wanted to update you on how Cocoa is doing. As you know, she did fantastic at first Friday; even with the music downtown. When we left your pack walk on Saturday, we decided to try the farmer’s market. Success!  She walked by my side or behind me most of the time and even by the music she was okay. Didn’t try and bolt at all. Plus, she pranced! I figure if she’s prancing along, she’s doing great.

The next day we went to the marina and normally she’d be trying to run across the street. Not anymore. Even the trucks don’t seem to be bothering her most of the time. And there have been a few times where we’ve asked if she wanted to go out for a walk and she was happy to go. That has NEVER happened before

We have even started taking her leash off in the elevator again. And yes!  She will not leave the elevator until we leave it, and she walks either behind or by our side the whole way back to our apartment. Then she waits until we go in the door and waits until I give her the okay.

Even the people in our building have noticed the difference in her.  I feel so much more confident that she’ll eventually be happy to go anywhere with us. I couldn’t have said that a week ago.”


*“This is has been such a rewarding great experience for both Hurley and myself. He has since met new people friends and has become that lovable Hurley that I know with a friend that he used to bark at. I know it has only been a couple of weeks and I need to continue with his exercises. We will only benefit from it.



Fort Myers Bch, FL

*“Fiona and Jazz have had their hierarchy issues, but they are much less frequent, shorter, and never get escalated – all I have to do is stand up from my desk and it’s over before it begins.

The potty training in the house worked BRILLIANTLY with Jazz.  She only occasionally has had a slip-up, but has become far more effective at getting my attention when she needs to go out.   It worked beautifully.

Just altogether they’re a happier group.  They play a lot more, much better interactions among them, and no one gets on any furniture any more, for which my couch thanks you.  (They were pretty much destroying it.)

We’re definitely an improvement story, if not yet a total success case.”


Siesta Key, FL

*“Hi Will,

Thank you for your quick return of emails, very much appreciated and valued!!

Again want to say thank you for the work, it’s working. 🙂 I dropped Precious off at daycare this morning, they thought I drugged her. lol! She wasn’t hyper, just calm on my side, of course connected with the leash but not pulling at all.

Thanks again!”


St. Petersburg, FL

*“Hi Will,

Just thought you’d like to know we left Morgan “home alone”, NOT crated, on Sunday for 2 ½ hours and she was wonderful and waiting for us behind the door when we arrived.

Since then we have left her for at least 1 ½ -2 hrs another three times.  I am very proud of her!

Working with her and looking forward to the next WALK!”

Best regards,


Tierra Verde, FL

Call or email any day any time: I offer sessions 7 days a week

[email protected]


Landline no text

*“Hello Will.

Lexi is settling in nicely as one of us.  She is very much a pup but I can see what I will have once she matures – a great companion dog. Your training program has contributed to this success.  Many thanks for such wonderful tools for us to work with.  Rest assured we have done a lot of work but the results are obvious.

Many thanks,


Sarasota, FL


“Thank you so much for coming.  We really appreciate all the techniques you showed us.  The dogs are doing well so far.  They seem very lazy and sleepy.

Thanks for all your time.”

Beth and Kasey

Cape Coral, FL

*“Just wanted to give you an update on Maitai.  He no longer protects his food or growls at me when I approach his bowl.  It’s amazing!  He has also overcome his fear of thunderstorms and simply ignores them.  He’s a smiley dog and has learned to come and collect snuggles and earrubs as well as kisses.  Yea Maitai!  And thank you, Will.”

All best wishes,
Marilyn Mae Randall

*“Hi Will!

Things are going extremely well.  Did the drills today and he is like a new dog….thank you!!! I’m so excited…I already had neighbors comment on how well he is walking and behaving. I will keep you posted. Thanks Again!!”


St. Petersberg, FL

Click Here To Email Me
[email protected]

*“Hi Will!

Hope all is well with you! Hurley is doing really great! He has met a couple of people and has behaved fairly well! We took our time with the one guy that isn’t really a dog person, went on a couple of walks and ignored Hurley when he gave him attention. Now they can’t get enough of each other! My other friend is a dog person, we handled the meeting differently but still had the same results.

Thanks! Have a great weekend!”


Ft. Meyers Beach, FL

*“Hi Will,

We have had a very good first day, very calm.  We’ve just got back from our walk which went really well.  Ruby didn’t pull or try to go ahead of me, she walked behind the whole way.  Ian had Kelsey, she pulled at first and tried to walk ahead but soon settled down.

We had a friend stop by earlier this evening and whilst the dogs all ran to the door they did stop barking and calmed down a lot faster.   Ruby wanted to go to the door but didn’t go crazy to get there.

On our walk we were passed by a lady with a really big nasty dog, it was aggressive and wanted to fight, she could barely hold on to it,  Kelsey ignored it completely and Ruby became alert and pulled a tiny bit (I didn’t have to use any strength to hold the leash though) and we didn’t break stride and walked calmly passed.  Ian says we should give the woman one of your cards if we see her tomorrow 🙂

Thanks again for your instruction method, I’m looking forward to good things!”

The Kogel’s including the K9 Kogel’s.

Bradenton, FL

*“Good morning Will,

Thank you for the picture!  We had such a fun time on Saturday with your pack walk.  Sunny absolutely loved it and all the people were so welcoming and nice.                Have a good week.  We hope to see you again at the next walk.”

Carol, Ted, and “Sunny” Nichols

Lakeland, FL

*“Hi Will,

I hope you and your pack are doing well.  It was a challenging winter for me because I lost both Tyler and Hannah.

I feel so fortunate to have worked with you because I learned so much about developing the kind of relationship with a dog in which I am the leader.

If you have any suggestions to guide me with a new puppy, I can assure you that I am receptive.  Your expertise changed my life with my dogs and I will use the methods with the new puppy.”

All the best, Ruth

Riverview, FL

*“Hi Will,

We’re doing quite well. Walked Cooper at noon today. Your presentation and theories are just amazing and we are so grateful for your help. We just want the best for this special little guy and I think you’ve gotten us off to a good start.


Sarasota, FL

*“Good morning Will,

We just wanted to send a quick email to say thank you for spending time with us yesterday, and for helping us with Zobie and Imbwa! We have already started to use your advice and direction, and have already seen a great improvement in their behavior – for example, we now have them waiting at the front door before we go out, as opposed to the mad scramble we had previously! We have only started and have a long way to go but we are really encouraged with what we have seen so far!

We look forward to receiving our “homework” from you, as we are excited to continue working with Zobie and Imbwa – and look forward to nice, long relaxing walks with them!”

Many thanks,
Cliona and Bob L.

Clearwater, FL

*“Hi Will,

Just wanted to let you know that my Sharpeis are making great progress! They are calm, happy & obedient — Aggie is still pulling on the leash a bit but it gets better all the time. I have so much more confidence with them & it has made a huge difference in my leadership skills. I tell everyone it was the best money I ever spent….and I mean that. Thank you!  I will keep you posted and thanks again!

Take care,

Lynn, Aggie & Harley”

Lynn W.

Osprey, FL

*“Hi Will.  Cooper is much better.  Last night was a very quiet “get ready for bed” night.  They are all three more tuned in to our direction.   Last night, Cooper was very playful with Toby.  I haven’t seen him play with Toby since Lexi showed up.

Thanks for your help.  Jim is feeling very positive and is impressed that the dogs are listening!

I know it’s up to me and Jim.  But with the success we are experiencing in such a short period of time, we are confident there is a new “normal” for us in the near future.”

Cheri D.

Sarasota, FL

*“Hi Will –

Everything is going very well with Kiefer.  We have implemented the changes you advised and are seeing significant improvements.  I truly appreciate your help!

See you next month for the next walk.  :)”

Candace W.

Tampa, FL

*“Well, I’d say our first week has gone pretty darn well.  Both Cosmo and Jinx have been very responsive to the training and exercises… and both Amy and I are becoming much more confident with our ability to work with our dogs.  I swear that Jinx looked like he was smiling as he was snuggling up in his little bed!  And Cosmo seems a lot less tense and agitated – but then again, so do Amy and I! Funny how that kind of works together…

Cosmo has been responding very well to the area claiming exercises.  This afternoon I was able to get him to lay down and relax in the bedroom while my friend mowed the grass.  He used to stand at the window and bark until he was just about foaming at the mouth.  Then when my friend finished the yard he came in the house and Cosmo greeted him perfectly.  This is the same young man whose presence used to set Cosmo off to no end.  He’s a large guy, and he makes a lot of noise when he mows, etc., and Cosmo used to great him by coming at him barking madly, then shrinking back with his tail wagging but growling at the same time.  Today Cosmo sniffed at him for about 4-5 sniffs and then stepped away.  He was still kind of leery, and he tried to get around me to get to Tony, so I stepped in between and turned my back to Tony.  Cosmo watched us for about 30 secs. to maybe a minute, then laid down on the floor and hhhhmmphed.  I so wish you could have seen the look on Tony’s face…it was like I had done a super amazing magic trick!!! So cool!  So great to see him calm like that J

We are so very pleased with how this is going.  It’s amazing and beautiful how naturally the dogs respond to what you have taught us.  Amy and I can’t begin to even express how important this was to us, and I am so very grateful that we picked the right person for the job.  Thanks for being you Will.  You rock!

With gratitude,”

Annie Cortelli

Cape Coral, FL

*“Walks are going great… Encountered six unleashed small barking dogs from one house…one dogs hair was standing up on his back very aggressive. Bentley ignored them. At the same time a man was walking two large dogs from the other direction. NO PROBLEM. He has improved, that is for sure”….

Susan & Bentley Cape Coral, FL

“Donna E. here, one of your clients. King and Stormy are doing fine and what I learned from you has been working with the new fosters that I take in. I can’t thank you enough :)”

Donna E.

Tarpon Springs, FL

“*Hi Will.  I know it has only been 24 hours but I wanted to let you know Jacob has done a 180 in his misbehavior in the house.  Thank you so much.”

Linda G.

*“Hi Will,

Well, here’s Jackson!  He is now 11 weeks old and I am working diligently to be a good leader, incorporating what I have learned from you and my readings.  Thank you for the puppy basics you included in an email to me awhile ago.  Maintaining my calmness and realizing that every mistake he makes is a result of something I did or failed to do.

I am grateful for the training you have provided to me and so wished I lived closer to you so that I could participate in your dog walks!

Thank you ever so much.”

Ruth L.

Vero Beach, FL

*“Thank you Will! I can already say my internal energy went from a 10 (Sunday night) to a 2 this evening. I sincerely believe they are fine and they sense that surety in me. Molly walked right up to Nanette’s bowl and started eating. It didn’t phase Nanette. She actually walked away calmly. I’m thrilled! I look forward to putting into play, all these techniques and tasks. I intend to have the most impressive mini pack in town. Lol!

We will see you at the August pack walk. I will keep in touch with our progress. Thank you again.”

Kelly E.

Tampa, FL

*“Will! We have been working hard on everything. We are seeing vast improvement with barking at other dogs. Brooke still struggles with walking next/behind us but doesn’t pull like before. Tyke generally seems calmer. Tyke is hardly barking when we close a door to him. I’m feeling good about everything…its great to see a change in them. Thank you again!”

Rebecca and Chris

Lake Mary, FL

*“Hi Will. So sorry I haven’t updated you on Cosmo (our Golden Retriever mix) and Jinx (our Boston Terrier) for awhile. Cosmo is doing exceptionally well.  He’s been so very good and has totally surprised us with his behavior in areas that we were never really concerned about, like riding in the car! He is now such a perfect gentleman in the car that it’s damn near hysterical! Both dogs are doing great on their walks and we hardly ever keep them separated anymore.  His reaction to men has improved greatly. When my nephew came over the first time after our session he could not believe how well Cosmo responded to him. I wish you could have seen the look on his face…it was like I had pulled off some astounding magic trick. His girls came over one day and spent about 1/2 hour just loving on Cosmo and brushing him. It was beautiful!  Jinx is doing well too but still gets a little sassy now and then.  My fault –  I need to spend more time working with him.   I just wanted to fill you in on our progress and to offer my sincerest gratitude. You saved my dog’s life…literally.

I have already told our story to so many friends and family, and I always emphasize to them that it is your presence that is the catalyst… without your guidance and tutoring and showing us how to apply the lessons it would never have worked.  YOU are the Secret!!!”

Thank you!”

Annie Cortelli

Cape Coral, FL

*“Hi Will!

I just had to give you an update 🙂

The change in their demeanor is amazing.  This morning when I got up (on my own schedule and actually feeling rested) they were happy to see me but very calm and relaxed.  They are staying out of the kitchen, waiting calmly to be fed etc.

I really thought it would take at least a week for her to stop throwing temper tantrums, I can’t believe it was only one night.

Thank you for all the support and advice!!”

Elizabeth H.

Bradenton, FL

*“Hey Will!  It has been a long time since we have spoke.  I think the last time we did I was frustrated over Dakota destroying the small amount of couch we had left and were forced to get a new one.  Well Kasey and I are happy to say that our new couch has been untouched as with everything else in the house. She seems to be more relaxed and is now a dog we can enjoy.

*Tyson is doing great as well.  We don’t have to wrestle him for toys anymore or be afraid that he will eat our hands off if we try to take it from him.  We wanted to share some pictures with you.  One is of Dakota against the new couch that she hasn’t messed up.  The other is of her walking with Parker.  And the third is Tyson at his “boundary”.

*I want to thank you again for coming out and helping us.  We have a totally different household now.  We no longer come home nervous about what destruction will be behind the front door.  Thanks Again!”

Beth and Kasey

Cape Coral, FL

*“Dear Will,

Thanks for coming out today to do a home training visit with the whole family. We were amazed at the difference we saw using your techniques in just a few short hours. When we came home later today and rang the doorbell, Brutus was relatively calm. He didn’t  ” freak out”  like he normally does. Ashlee is in the lot across the street at this moment practicing with Brutus.

Thanks again for your help!”

Chuck and Jane Chmielewski

*“Thank you, Will, for patiently spending time with us today.  I am actually confident that we (Peter, Molly and I) can do this, which will hugely change our lives for the positive.

Sally F.”

Venice, FL

Email Me
[email protected]

*“It was my pleasure. I went out last night & came home with friend, followed your instructions & Kricket did not bite her ankles. Unbelievable! We are on our way! Sorry will not make Pack Walk. Thanks again & I am sure we will talk soon. Enjoy the walk.”


Ellenton, FL

*“Hi Will,

I wanted to give you an update on Clover and Comet. They are both doing really well and I think you would be so proud of them. Here are the highlights:

They are VERY calm now when we come home.  No jumping or getting excited.

We have had  visitors come to the house and Clover has left them alone when they entered and did not growl one time.  For the most part she laid next to me or went about her business.

They are walking really well on their leashes.

Comet is slowly coming out of her shell and really seems to be happy on her leash.

Thanks for making such a difference in all of our lives!”

All My Best,
Missy C.Sarasota, FL

*“Thank you so much for yesterday! When you left we definitely felt overwhelmed….but in a good way! It was so informative and we were definitely presented with new tools and exercises that I think will better meet our needs in the long run. I thank you so much for your undivided and individual attention. I can’t wait to update you on our progress!”


The Vesga Pack

*“Hi Will,

Thought you might like a progress report.  As you said, it’s a process.  It’s been six weeks since we met with you.  If Annie used to be a 10 in terms of overall reactivity, I’d say she is a solid 6 or less most of the time now.  Some encounters still evoke an 8 or 9 response, but these involve almost no barking and are much shorter lived.  Most encounters with other dogs are usually just a little heavier breathing.  Only about one in ten involves barking and lunging and I can get her to focus on me and stop.

She would never snuggle with me in bed.   Now she cuddles and rests with her head on my shoulder.  It’s a huge change.

She walks behind me beautifully.

The neighbors all say Annie is much more relaxed.  I’m pleased with the progress so far and know that we’ll make even more progress.

Thanks for giving me the tools to help Annie be more trusting and relaxed.

Hope all is well with you and your pack.”



Just to let you know, Ace is much better.  He looks healthy, is happy, and his circling is greatly diminished.  We have taken off most of the weight he put on from the steroids.  His overall obedience is good and he hardly ever chews anything in the house anymore.  We will be getting back to the walks soon and I look forward to seeing you.”


Al Goldman

*“Hi Will,

Baxter is doing great.  We got him out of the cage and had him in the kitchen for about 2 weeks and then started to test him being loose.  He has done great!  He gets the run of the house with the pugs and does not go crazy when we leave anymore.

So your advice was much appreciated!  He has turned into a loving little stinker.  He sleeps in bed with us and has even learned the art of cuddling 🙂

We have come a long way and I am amazed at his improvement in the past 3 months.

Thanks again Will, you were such a GREAT help with the adjustment and transition for Baxter. “


Palm Air FL

*“Thanks Will.      We went for a park walk today and it went very well, but not perfect.   A weird side note:  While I was at the park, three different people came over to talk to me.  I mean people are usually friendly, but I think it was the way I was handling the dogs.  I guess it works on people too!  Ha!    One was a cop.  Will keep working on it and will keep you  posted.”


* “Hi Will, Thanks for all your support.  It does help us to get your perspective.  Mike took Rocky to the dog park alone yesterday, and Mike said he didn’t bark AT ALL.  He would get excited when other dogs came by the fence, but no barking or growling.  I also walked both the dogs together yesterday for the first time. I simply walked them up and down the sidewalk back behind our house.  That was the first time I could do it with both of them.  They weren’t perfect but I just wanted to see if it was possible.  Last week it wasn’t, but this week it’s coming along a little better.  Thanks for all your help.”

Sarasota, FL

*“Hi Will,

I look forward to my homework. After you left, she passed out for 4 hours. I know there is work to do but just seeing the few changes already makes me so happy . I can’t thank you enough for this visit .

Thank you for a  wonderful day!

Janice & Coco

  1. Miami Bch, FL

* “Thank you very much. I’m excited about everything u showed me today I like that there aren’t a million things we have to do as the other trainers have shown us.

It was so nice meeting u. Thank u again. I think it will he a nice  loooong friendship.

I’ll keep in touch.”


Winter Haven, FL

*Hello Will ,

It’s been a week since your visit, we have days that she is on track and others that are not so good . I know it takes more than a week to accomplish our goals . I know with your guidance , we will achieve our goals. She is so much better , as am I . Again , I thank you so much for your help. “

Janice and  Coco

  1. Miami Bch, FL

*“Hi Will,

Thanks so much! My boys are doing great they have totally changed. . Can’t believe in such a short period of time. I think Barack likes having the pressure off him. Both walk behind me! No fighting or competition. We will be ready in the fall for your walks. Thanks again!”

Siesta Key, FL

Ft. Myers Beach, FL


Thank you for everything you’ve done for our pack! They are a very happy group!”

Cape Coral, FL

*“I had to rush home and tell you this. I found a weird mark on Crow’s gums on Saturday night, and wanted to get him in to the doc to have it checked out, thinking it might be an abscessed tooth. I went ahead and booked the checkup, and we just decided that if they needed to sedate him to look inside his mouth, we’d go that route. Not only did they not need to sedate him, he didn’t even need to use a muzzle! Crow was totally relaxed and even nuzzled his hand a few times while we were talking.

Now, I’m not about to let him run wild at the YMCA or anything, and I’m sure we still have a long way to go, but I’m calling this a huge win. Calmly walking around loose in the same room with a strange man? A man who opened his mouth to look at his gums? It’s amazing.

Thank you!!”

Tampa, FL

*“Hello Will, it’s Janice and Coco. Just wanted you to know that my little girl is doing so much better thanks to you!  We still have our moments but I’m working on them. I can’t tell you how much your visit has changed the way we live . I will continue to take your advise . You are  the best thing I could have done for us . Many thanks Will.

Janice & Coco

Miami, FL

Email Me
[email protected]


Thank you so much for coming down to help us, it was a great pleasure. It’s only been a day but there’s already a noticeable difference in Charlie’s demeanor. I’m excited to see where this goes:)”


Pine Island, FL

* “Will,

I want to share with you Sarah’s progress. To start the story  – working from home worked, but then I got an opportunity to work onsite with a contracting gig. So now to find out what to do with a dog with high separation anxiety. I was doing the last interview and was looking for doggie day care and found a place. I fell in love with the place and 6 months later Sarah has found a place to be, excited to be, and wants to be.

I must tell you I attribute her success to your help and taking the time to understand the concepts you shared with us. In fact, the WHOLE neighborhood points out what a changed dog he is.

As a Pet Mom for a rescue I would do it again. AND I want to thank you for your help. While it’s taken a while for me to write (and I apologize) the story about being to be able to leave her at a day care (when she was banned at two because of behavior) would not have been possible without your help.

Sincerest thanks from the bottom of my heart and Sarah’s paws,

Anna Marie

Safety Harbor, FL”

* “I just had to email you and let you know that we were doing our evening walk and Jasper was doing really well so I took him off the leash to work more with Cullen. Jasper stayed right with us following me. He made all the right turns and never tried to get in front of me.

It hasn’t even been a week. I think all of us look forward to the walks. We are also working on the other activities. I can’t thank you enough.

Betty M.”
Winter Haven, FL

* “Thank you for getting back to me, I will write back in a week with updates.  By the way, thank you!  Reverend is unrecongizable on the leash, it’s truly amazing!  I thought he would take the most time but it’s amazing how well he is doing, I am very impressed!

Krystina H.”

Tampa, FL

*“Hi Will,

To give you an update, I am interacting much better with the dogs and they are responding in kind.  The daily walks are invaluable!  And all 3 are much better listeners.  Imagine that!  Slow and steady progress makes all of us more confident every day. Overall I am extremely pleased with the progress and can’t thank you enough for your sound & effective techniques.  I will definitely continue with your suggestions until my dogs can be just that, dogs.  🙂

Hope to see you next month at the pack walk.


Lisa Babecki & Pack, Billy Bob, Buddy & Ruxin”

Parrish, FL

*“Dear Will,

Almost two years ago, you helped me  with my black Greyhound, Layla. She has become a beautiful, friendly companion. It has taken her almost two years to figure out how to be a happy, trusting dog.

Thanks for your help!”


Longboat Key, FL

*“Will, want to update you on Beau. He is doing AMAZING!! Every time he comes up the stairs without resistance (which is all the time) it confirms our decision to hire you. So happy to have our sweet, compliant boy back! THANK YOU!”

Beth H.

St. Petersberg, FL

*“Your instructions are working great and Elvis is responding better than I expected.

Thanks again for your help.”

Jim N.

Phone Session

H*i Will,

“I am going to keep at these exercises and have no doubt that he and I both will change for the better.

Thank you again, it has already helped me feel less anxious when I take him out. We encountered another dog today in the hallway, and it was nowhere near as bad as it usually is.”



*Hi Will,

“I am so delighted to have found you and I, as well as Maggie, certainly learned a lot from our session with you today. Thank you again.  For the first time, I feel confident about training.”


Susan B.


*“Gypsy is doing amazingly well, which obviously means we are, too.    She is really behaving beautifully.  The best thing is that she doesn’t even stare at the cats any more. They even notice the difference and are getting closer to her.  It’s really wonderful. Thanks again for all your help.”

Sandy A.

Myakka City, FL

*“We are already seeing improvement especially when we come home and when guests arrive.  Because of a plumbing problem we have had people in and out today so instead of putting Sundance behind closed doors we used it as a training opportunity.   Sundance did really well (with a few reminders) and the guests were impressed.

Thanks so much for your time.  We love your training concept and certainly see the value.”

Take care –

Linda G.

St. Petersburg  FL

*“We will be returning to Florida later this month, but we want you to know that Tyler has turned into a fantastic little dog.  We don’t know what we would do without him.  Thank you for all your help with him”.

Pat Dietrich

North Port, FL

*“Hi Will,

It was great meeting you and thanks for working with me and Pedsy and Fitz. I can see positive changes already!   Robert and I did the drill outside in the driveway late this afternoon.  It went pretty well.  The two dogs that we had the incident with came by.  Pedsy did not notice but Fitz did and I corrected him like you showed me.  I felt much calmer and in control so it went much better.

Thanks again for everything.  I am very excited for Pedsy and Fitz and our family!  I will definitely be in touch”.

Mary Ann

Bonita Springs, FL

Call or email any day any time: I offer sessions 7 days a week

[email protected]


Landline no text

*“Hi Will,

Just got to your email, thank you so much for the follow-up! Steve and I both saw a change in her yesterday already. The hands free walks are amazing………last evening I walked her to the main gate and back, she did not pull, put on the breaks nor try to get ahead of me even once!!!

Thank you so much for your expertise”.

Rebecca F.

Safety Harbor, FL

Email Me
[email protected]

“*Hi Will!

We just wanted to send you a quick update on Joey!

We have been following all your instructions, and WOW we’ve seen SUCH an amazing difference already!!


Jan and Rob

Venice, FL

*“Hi Will,

Just checking in!

There has definitely been a shift in power with Beau and me.  My husband noticed it!

Our walks are going amazing. He is truly following me as the leader.  We are able to go further and enjoy the experience- even in the construction.”


Nancy R.

Venice, FL

*“Will, I just wanted to let you know that Sammie passed her therapy dog testing with flying colors today. Thank you for your help!  She was such a good girl!  I am so proud of her!”

Monica P.

Marco Island, FL

*“Hi Will-

Hope all is well with you.

Today was the first time Baji came over to me while I waited for her at the door with the leash to go outside. She was 5 for 5 today–even wagging her tail when she came over.

I can now approach her almost all the time when she is off the leash.

Thank you so much for your great ideas and advice– we would still be struggling with her if we didn’t call you for help.”

Steve and Rebecca  and Baji

*“Thanks Will. Great session. We can do this. Let’s keep in touch.”


Winter Springs, FL

*“Thanks Will,

We noticed an immediate and marked change in the morning walk. We’re doing all the homework as directed and our confidence is coming back”.


Rob S.

St. Petersburg, FL

*“Thank you Will for this homework summary! On Thursday (only two days after your visit) Xavier and I were outside walking when the neighbor came out with her brand new tiny little dog. Patapouf pulled a little but never barked or try to launch at the dog. In fact, to my surprise, he got ‘”disinterested” while I was talking to my neighbor!  My neighbor was impressed since she has witnessed Patapouf ‘s bad behavior more than once. She asked me how long we had started the training and couldn’t believe it had only been two days! That is a first!. There is hope!”

Thank you!


Land O’ Lakes, FL

*“Thank you so much for yesterday. I have went over everything in the notebook. We have stay consistent with everything and we are really having a good time doing it.. We had our first walk together we even had bicycles go by. It went very well.  I just can’t tell you how good I felt going for a walk with her…thank you Will your one awesome guy.. You’ve really impressed my neighbors. They want to know where the crazy dog went!.. Lmao.. Many many thanks for the confidence.. You’re the man!”


Lisa and Suki O.

Land O’ Lakes, FL

*“Hi Will,

Follow up: We noticed changes in the boys almost immediately after you left and they continue to change (us too). First, they are more relaxed and do not bark as much. They are great out walking PLUS, as we walk they are getting more social time with other people and their dogs. I would say they are doing fabulous with other dogs since before they only wanted to bark and be aggressive.  Ok, that is all for the moment. All good news.

Thanks for your help. We will continue all the drills and I feel certain this has been the best thing for the boys and us.”

Bob & Mary W.

Punta Gorda, FL

“*Hi Will,

We all want to thank you for coming to our home. We learned so much and will practice faithfully. Buddy is already walking very well and is much quieter. Again, thank you so much for driving all this way to help us.”

Thanks again,

Mary and Jack M.

Weeki Wachee, FL

*“We recovered nicely!  We did a walk  with Mac, Rikki, and Jack at GT Bray, this is something we never would have attempted prior to meeting you, the walk went unbelievably well.  We also did a walk this morning before work with all four.   I don’t think I have ever seen my dogs as tired as they are today.  Thanks again for everything, I am feeling extremely calm:)”

Liz C.

Bradenton, FL


Just want to update you on the dogs. Chase is doing fantastic! Took him on a walk little bit ago. Walked up to a dog, not a bark or anything out of him. He was a perfect little gentleman.  Bristol is doing great as well. We will keep you updated. Thank you so much for taking us as one of your clients!”

Norm T.

Sarasota, FL

*“Absolutely amazing. Our Timmy was so transformed yet contained his own personality. Fantastic and rewarding results. The work is a joy. He did fantastic when guests came last night. And they were amazed also. Thank you so much!”

Lynn A.

Sebring, FL

*“Hi Will,

It was great meeting you. Your style of teaching made it easy to absorb all the new info. on dog training.

In such a short amount of time there have  been positive changes to Ben’s behavior.  Actually, it was on the same day of your consult, later that afternoon.  Wow. “


Annie & a calmer Benjamin

Siesta Key, FL

Email Me
[email protected]

*“INCREDIBLE!  Just a quick success story for you…  He saw the dog he hates the most last night and again this morning.  Last night, he just growled a bit but then stopped and we continued walking.  This morning, Charlie did not make a peep and was even interested in meeting the dog.  He walked right up to him (since we were heading that way), turned his head, and allowed the other dog to sniff him!  I could not believe it.  The owner was even shocked because she has seen Charlie’s behavior towards her dog in the past.  This is such a great feeling!  I am actually looking forward to walks and I think Charlie is too.  Stay tuned for more success stories 🙂 “



*“Hi Will,

First off, we really enjoyed meeting you and were very impressed with your skilled, thoughtful, insightful, gentle and focused approach to training Carlos and Me – Ha 🙂  We now call you the People Whisperer!

I have to tell you – 24 hours later we already see a new dog in Louie 🙂

We expect good behavior and are getting it him!

The big Test was our son’s visit – Louie totally retreated and stopped barking – we were all blown away by the fact that he just STOPPED barking.  He went over Carlos, sniffed his feet and didn’t let out a single bark for the rest of the visit (I actually cried).  AMAZING.”

Thank you for everything!

All my best


Clearwater, FL

*“Hi Will…

You were so right as usual!!!!  You made me realize that I have become too lax in Archie’s training.  We have been doing the HFT every day as you instructed…and I can see a difference immediately!!!  I am going to continue as at this point it really helps in his earning respect for me.

Our walks are getting better… and he has even been walking behind me for the latter part of the walk…amazing!!!!!!!

Thank You so much Will…I am ever so grateful for your guiding me to become the best I can for Archie!!!!!”

Karen & Archie

Bradenton, FL

*“Thank you and I will be reading, working and leading. I am very grateful to you for your help and the confidence you’ve given me. It’s easier than I imagined. Pee Wee is responding.

I’ll let you know how well we do and seek advice when I need it.”



St. Petersburg, FL

*“Hello!! We came home to a clean house!! No accidents!!  No Cages!! Working with the dogs tonight!!! Did a couple of the exercises already!!

They are already 100% better. Calm and not in our faces. Thank you again!”


North Port, FL

*“Good Afternoon Will,

Lucy is doing very well. She has not had any accidents in the house since your visit!”

Jess and Lucy

Saint Petersburg, FL

*“If you have a problem dog or dogs, Will Thomas is the guy you’re looking for. Coming from a

family that has 7 dogs,3 of them female pit bulls which was our problem dogs, I couldn’t ask for a

better person for the job! I call him Will the dog whisperer and make no mistake if you follow his program you will see vast  improvement in your dog/dogs he knows what he is doing, he is very knowledgeable and informative! Thank you Will Thomas

you improved the dogs behavior in our home and ultimately our quality of life and both was an

issue here so if your debating on the call do it right now!!! Will, Thank you from the Holmes


Tampa, FL

*“Hi Will,

First off, thank you so much for coming out to help us with our dogs. I’ve already noticed a number of huge changes.

The change in Zophie is like night and day already. I started to notice that she quickly mellowed out and actually would look at me – all of this without me making a sound or using a signal.

This morning the walk with Heidi, Jacob and Zophie was the best/most controlled I’ve ever had – and all of this without Zophie or Jacob wearing a pinch collar. Jacob and Heidi needed a few corrections, Zophie was as close to perfect for the complete 30 minutes as it gets.

We know that there is going to be a lot of work (and fun, plus what else would we do anyways J), but I didn’t expect this much of a change within the first 24 hours – Thank you so much – more updates to follow.

It’s not just that you obviously know dogs and that your program works, you have a great and easy way to explain this to us both in person as well as in the hand-outs you left. Little Blue and Heidi are at work with me this morning – sleeping under my desk.

Thanks again Will – hope you’ll have a great weekend!!”

Lukas R.

Tarpon Springs, FL

*“Hi, Will.  Hope all is well.  Thought you’d enjoy the picture below.  Who would have thought Moxie would actually hike next to me off leash.  And for 7 miles at a time.  She needs reminders when she wanders a little but it’s so much more than we thought possible!  Barking at dogs is still an issue but much better than it used to be!  She’s so fun and just such a great dog.  We are in love daily!!”

Becky P.


*“Thanks so much for everything you did for me today. I was walking her to and a friend walked by and Belle was well behaved. More importantly, a bicycle rider went by and ordinarily it would have been a huge event!!! I was able to keep it very low key and it turned into a non event. Belle and I are exhausted so we are out for an early final tinkle and an early bedtime!  Thanks Will. We will be up early practicing tomorrow.”

Kris C.

Venice, FL

*“Good news—

This morning’s walk was very successful. About 90% of the time I didn’t even know I had a dog behind me. A cyclist rode by and there were just several small barks where before she would have gone crazy. Only two other walkers approached us, one of whom was a tall man she particularly hates, and not a peep out of her.”

Kris C.


*“WOW!!! For the FIRST time in 4 years, I did the ironing in PEACE! I claimed the hallway, where the ironing board is kept in the closet. Then, I claimed the kitchen. I was able to iron without all the barking!!!! Wonderful! Thank you, Dog Whisperer!!!”

Patty T

Bradenton, FL

*“Hi Will.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the help. Oliver is already showing great results! He has not chewed or dug any of our stuff and is immediately respectful of space or objects we claim. He is doing great and, again, thank you for your help! Also, I sent a message to the referrals that chatted with us, thanking them for their feedback as well.”

-Michael, Nicole, and Oliver-


*“Thanks Will. Things seem to be going well. We really appreciate your training style. It is simple and shows quick results. I’ll keep in touch on Lexi’s progress.

Thanks again.”

Debbie M.

Bradenton, FL

*“Hi Will,

Thank you for helping us out. I feel that I now have to tools to create a loving and healthy environment for everyone in the family. They are already starting to show some improvement. This is the first time I was able to have guests over (other than my parents who have always been dog lovers) without having to cage the dogs.

Thank you, I have noticed a positive change already!”

Will keep you posted,


Sarasota, FL

*“Hi Will.  Its Debbie and Lexi.  I wrote you about being nervous about having guests and Lexi possibly messing in their bedrooms.

Well the girls left on Saturday, and Lexi was the hit of the party.  She was perfect.  No problems, no messes, etc.  Actually 2 of my girlfriends argued over who got to walk her!

A total success!

Thanks for your training advice.  It is the easiest training I have ever done with a dog.  I have recommended you to my friends in Naples, who are planning to get a new puppy.

Thanks again,”

Debbie M.

Bradenton, FL

Click Here To Email Me
[email protected]

*“Bailey has really come a long way since you helped us. He is making a lot of friends in the park and does much better when someone comes to the door. Your fine training of us has been the most help. We are very calm with his barking and usually only have to use a hush sound no words. You were such a Godsend to Bailey and us.  We have been able to take him to the occasional motor works dog Sunday’s and he is great with the people and other dogs all sizes.

Warm regards,

Margie and Jerry and of course Bailey.”

Palmetto, FL

*“Hi Will,

It is fun having a plan of work with Molly.  I got the treadmill today and started familiarizing her with it.  All else is going well. Joel and I notice a different look in Molly’s eyes.  Now she looks more animated, less fearful or sad.  She relaxes better when we put her in our laps for a cuddle.  We will stay in touch as she develops new and better habits.

Thank You,

Liz S.

Tarpon Springs, FL

*“My wife and I adopted a 3.5 year old Blackmouth Cur from ASPC. When we got him home we had problems with him trying to run away, barking, shyness etc. I contacted Will and he gave me instructions on how to cure the situation. I followed his advice and 10 days later Buddy has bonded with us, all the things that weren’t going well have all been corrected. He is now the ideal dog to have. He sticks to us like glue. He obeys our every command also. We couldn’t ask for a better companion, he has found a forever home. Thank you Will for professional help. I would recommend Will to anyone with dog issues.


George B.”

Lakeland, Florida

*“A couple of weeks ago I had a breakthrough with our dogs. I hired Will to help Oreo with his anxiety and after a few weeks of practice Oreo is now able to relax next to me when I do my yoga. It’s so lovely and it makes me so happy. Thank you Will! (Samoa likes to join in too :))”

Nicky R.

Osprey, FL

*“Hi Will

It was my pleasure. I can’t tell you how much this will help me personally after loosing my two best friends (Rosey and Tippie) in under a month.  It gives me purpose, laughter, and maybe even lose a few pounds.  I’ll keep in touch.


Louise (and Martha).”

Bradenton, FL

*“Thank you so much, Will.

Already seeing a difference. We were able to keep our space at dinner time, and he has been quite respectful for the rest of the day. I wonder what he is thinking?( smile)

I feel very encouraged after today, and a weight has been lifted from my shoulder, at last. It is so good that you are there to help, if needed. We will work hard at this. ×

I shall keep you posted of our progress.

Many thanks, again,

Kathie and Mike and Henry”.

Lakewood Ranch, FL


I just wanted to tell you that we currently have 17 people and 5 dogs at our house and Luna has been amazing!!!  She goes under the table when she’s tired of everyone.


Michelle V.

Gibsonton, FL

Hi Will,

*”I just wanted to write you and tell you how things are going so far with Xena and Ruthie.  …walking is going well. I can’t believe the improvement in Ruthie. My son takes her on long boarding rides now,  that would have never happened before. When I walk her she doesn’t pull at the leash.

Also, they wait for the human to enter the house first instead of pushing past.  Also, in the mornings when I go to let them out of the den, today, they were CALM!  Yea!!

We appreciate all the info you gave us.

Thanks again for helping us achieve balance with our dogs!”

Rebecca A

Riverview, FL

*“I just wanted to give you a quick update on Meadows and Duffy’s progress.  They are doing really well!  They stop at the front door now.  They aren’t jumping up on us when we come home and when we use the command they listen (well at least most of the time).  They are loving their long walks!  We still have a lot of work to do, but I know we can get total control with time.

Thanks for everything”

Jody and Jim S.

Englewood, FL


I just wanted to say thank you for your advice! For the first time, Gatsby didn’t bark/Yelp when I left the apartment! I finally got him to eat his food and walk on the leash! He’s playing with his toys and really acting  like a puppy! He’s doing such a great job and today is only day #7!  Thank you so much for everything! I think we’re really on the right track with no treats or cages or shock collars or any of that!”

-Victoria L.


*“Plan on attending with Jackson. He’s doing great. Your  methods are working great. Will be there at 9. Thanks. Brad M. New Port Richey”

*“Hi Will,

I hope this email finds you well.  I do not know if you remember us, you came to assist us when we brought our husky puppy Kye home and our older dog Kobi was not so happy.

I just wanted to send you this photo of Kye & Kobi, who are now the best of friends…thank goodness.”

Kind regards

Valerie H.

Davenport, FL

“Hi Will,

I wanted to tell you a quick story. Last night we were picking up the boys from Tae Kwon Do and Charlie jumped out of the car. The class is in a busy plaza on 41. Charlie ran toward the highway at full speed and my heart went in my throat. I yelled “hup!” and he did a dead stop, waiting for a command. I called him to come and he came right back to me. I truly believe that we would have lost him last night if it hadn’t been for your training. I am so thankful. Keep doing what you are doing – It’s a gift to every family you reach!”

Merry Christmas!

Kate D.

Venice, FL

“Hi Will,

You are the man!!  Tonight entered house without a word all went well no jumping.  They seemed calmer too because of the silence. Gordon and I met for an hour.  He walked her tonight and was able to pet her.  I am so glad that I called you.  I made the right decision.  Your techniques are right on.  Thank you very much!

I will keep you updated.”

Leslie P.

Parrish FL

“We are so pleased to let you know that our Zipper has had amazing success since Early December! He has not peed or pooped in the house in 2 full weeks!  We have left him for as long as 6 hours while we are out, and he is doing fine.

He seems more confident and relaxed most of the time. We even had 14 people and 2 extra dogs in the house on Sunday and (aside from barking a little when new people arrived) he settled down and enjoyed his doggy playmates.

We are so relieved! It has been almost a year, but, he seems to have settled in and found that this home is a place he can relax.


And we have relaxed, too!”


Bradenton FL

“Hi Will,

Baby doll is doing much better, I can take her for a walk and she doesn’t go crazy barking and stays behind me. Also the baking in the house has cut down, big improvement. Overall for the short time , so far so good. I’ll see how it goes with MooBear and I’ll call you only if I need reinforcement! I know it isn’t the dog’s fault it is my crazy life they pick up on.”


Patti, lady in training

Sarasota, FL

“Will,  that picture was Missy and Bella Jones! They are best buddies! Darkness is still in the picture watching over the young ones.  Thank you for all your advice and help. It happened just as you said one day they’ll just be friends! Thank you, Kathy J. a happy house.”

Bradenton, FL

Hi Will,

“I wanted to let you know that Gordon was able to successfully take care of Jake and Jazz while I was away on vacation.  Thank you so much for your guidance and help.  Jazz is becoming easier to control and able to warm up to people quicker.

I cannot thank you enough and would like to participate on your weekend walks if you think Jazz is ready.

Thank you again,”

Leslie P.

Parrish, FL

“Hi Will. This is Gordon G. Just wanted to let you know that this morning when I took Jackson for a walk we passed five dogs and he did not growl at any of them. I had to use the sound that you used but it stopped him immediately and he just did great. Thanks so much!”

Gordon G.

Sarasota, FL

“I just wanted to give you a quick update on Meadows and Duffy’s progress.  They are doing really well!  They stop at the front door now.  They aren’t jumping up on us when we come home and when we use the command they listen (well at least most of the time).  They are loving their long walks!  We still have a lot of work to do, but I know we can get total control with time.

Thanks for everything – Jody and Jim”

Englewood, FL

Click Here To Email Me
[email protected]

Hi Will,

“Baby doll is doing much better, I can take her for a walk and she doesn’t go crazy barking and stays behind me. Also the baking in the house has cut down, big improvement.  I’ll see how it goes with MooBear and I’ll call you only if I need reinforcement! I know it isn’t the dogs fault it is my crazy life they pick up on.”


Patti, lady in training

Sarasota, FL

“Hi Will,

It’s day 3 and Bentley is doing great!  New and old visitors to villa – including ME!!- are most impressed with his calmer and complying attitude.

Feeling more confident, at ease and pain free too.”


P & “B”

Safety Harbor, FL

Hi Will,

So nice meeting you today and I already have a success story for you. After you left, I had another friend stop by and when she rang the doorbell, I was so happy at the result. He calmed down immediately and didn’t approach her until I said it was ok.

Also, the pool guy came. Normally TUG goes crazy and won’t stop barking at him. I stood across the room from TUG and made my sound and he laid down and didn’t bark again the entire time he was here!

He is lying quietly by my side and looks to me for guidance now. Wow. I am SO happy about this. I feel I finally have the tools and assistance to make my sweet loving doggie happier and I have (or soon will) the dog I’ve always wanted to have. Thank you!  And I will be in touch with questions as I move through the training.”

All the best,

Lisa, TUG and Lili

Naples FL

“Hey Will,
WOW.  What a difference.  For two hours now, Lucca has been OUT of her crate, tummy down and legs splayed on the carpet in my den, happily chewing on the soft toy you gave her… and all the time slowly wagging her tail.  She hasn’t whined, hasn’t been demanding anything of me… just happily chewing and wagging!”
Smiles and Wags,
Venice, FL

“Good Day Will,

Thank you so much again for coming out and helping us on Saturday.

It was our pleasure to meet you.

Bo & Bella have been doing very well with the drills already!! (Bella a little better than Bo)

We have big hopes and intentions for them!! And, we feel much more confident since you were out helping us!!!!

I just knew you were the right person for the job!!

We will continue on with our training and we will keep you posted on our success!

Thanks so much again for everything!”


Richard & Penny, Bella & Bo too!!

North Port, FL

She is EXHAUSTED!!!  It was a GREAT morning for her and me!!!  Can’t wait to get this going on a regular basis.  Oh, by the way… just took her out and said “potty.”  She went right over to her usual spots; did her business and gracefully walked to the back door – NO PULLING!!!  I can see the difference in her already; she is happy and calm and looking forward to the structure… this is amazing.


Seminole FL

Hi Will,

“Thanks always for the workshop you did at our place…I think it has made it possible for us to keep Sam without having to give him up or euthanize him as a problem dog”.

Susan M.

“Good morning Will. Just want to give you a brief summary of our first week. Bear in mind that the dogs were at daycare for three days this week.

Barking-75 to 80% improved

Walking-almost 100% with Annie. Zoe-improved but still would tendency to walk quite fast and want to lead.

Doorbell-better but still needs work.

Behavior around dogs-70 to 75% improved.

In short, we are amazed. You are remarkable and the only person who has kept promises regarding availability to answer questions. Thank you so much.

We have worked very hard and are so grateful!”

Dede N.

Tampa, FL

“We hired Will for our rescue dog that we found out was off balance and needed guidance. His training and materials have helped to balance out our whole family. Will also stands by his guarantee of lifetime follow up. I have emailed and called Will numerous times since our training and always receive same day response. He took the time to not only train our dog, but train my son and myself as well.

Will was so patient with all our questions and always had a positive attitude. I Highly recommend Will”.

Amanda W.

Sarasota, FL

Hi Will,  I need to thank you for having a great dog!  It was through your help! I cannot recommend you enough, I’m telling everybody I meet, who seems to have problems!”   Take care,


Long Boat Key FL

“Thank you for your time and your wonderful teaching technique. Already seeing results believe it or not. Thank you again and I will definitely spread the word.”


Sarasota,  FL


I’m already seeing a difference in Teddy.

I feel very good that my dedication to these procedures and attitudes will lead to a happy balance in our home.

Thank you again, your follow up is much appreciated,

Jackie S.

Bradenton,  FL

Hi Will,

“We had such a blast last Saturday at your dog pack meet up in Ellington!

Been doing our work faithfully and we’re both feeling SO much more peace and harmony in and out of villa

Started listening to “Unseen Factor” and loving it too!





Paula F.

Safety Harbor, FL


“What a fantastic day we had with you yesterday!  Thank you so much for your help in showing all four of us how to have an even better existence as we go forward.  Last evening I did a short walk with both Bud and Izz, came across two occasions of another dog.  It was amazing, he brought his attention right back to me and calmed.  I was quite pleased.  Both dogs basically went comatose last evening as they had such a big day.  I noticed increased happiness in them last evening and especially this morning.  We are about to go out for a long walk and I find myself hoping to see other dogs so I can have opportunity to continue the training… the past I dreaded it!   It’s amazing really!!

We all (four of us) wish you a wonderful Sunday, and thank you for making such a difference in our lives….with more to come.”

Janet D.

Lakewood Ranch,  FL

Ruby Rose at dog camp she was aggressive, yet very shy when we first started. With Will’s help she loves going to Pet Paradise to play and Loves all the people. She’s a sound secure thinking dog now. I couldn’t have done it without his help. Will Thomas is a miracle worker.

Barbara G,

Sanford, FL

Hey Will,

Wanted to take a minute, check in with you and say “Thank You, Thank You, A Million Times Thank You”!!!

While we still have a ways to go, the improvements from Monday to now have been incredible.

The biggest breakthrough….today when I went back in to my room to lay down for a bit, I left the door open and I had no sooner laid down than Penny came in ( all on her own, I wasn’t calling her), jumped up and laid down and napped with me on the bed. That makes my heart happy.

This is way more information than you need but I just wanted to say “Thank You” again. I think you and your techniques are amazing and I am forever grateful you were there for us. Thank you for making it your purpose in life to balance dogs and improve the quality of their lives.

Take care,

Carol T.

Bradenton, FL


This is wonderful! The system is working very well. I know exactly where he is. You cannot imagine the anxiety that is being lifted off my shoulders. I would not want to do the last two weeks over for anything. Thank you for clearing the clouds in my head away.

Frannie B.

Bradenton FL

Exceeded our expectations! Instant progress! So excited to move forward with my homework!

C. Ford

Sanibel, FL


Update on the training you gave us!  In so many areas we have a complete turn around with our dog, Stanley!

Previously our dog would go nuts at a sighting of mail man, FedEx and UPS man – but now he’ll run to the door (they are glass doors so he can see) bark once and look back over his shoulder at me and wait until I walk over.  I can see that my dog is still on alert and hair stiff, but he keeps looking up at me for guidance.  I usually thank him and say no worries, we like that guy. And although my dog will stand his ground at the door, he won’t bark or growl or anything else – whereas before he would lunge and throw himself at the door (once breaking the latch and broke the door, thus attacking the poor Fed Ex guy).

Our smaller dog, Larry, we had no intentions of training but did everything anyway and HE adapted to your methods within days and is PERFECT (who woulda thought, the little guy craved guidance!)

Just wanted to give you feedback!


C. Ford

Sanibel, FL

Thanks so much for coming out! It was money well spent for sure. I have such peace of mind about Cookie now with your assessment that she is safe to be in my home. After everything you taught me I’m feeling much more confident about my ability to handle the dog.

As to the barking and carrying on when we come in the house – LOL! I primed the grandson steeled myself for what I was convinced it was going to be at least a couple of minutes of nonstop barking and carrying on. It was over in less than 10 seconds!! HaHa!

Thanks, Terry C.

St. Pete, FL

Hi Will,

Thank you SOOOOOO much for today’s training!! I already feel like I’m a better leader for Christmas.

I know I’m going to BE a great leader for Christmas after 2-3 weeks of this.

I’m excited!!

Thank you so much for being a master trainer to help all dogs and their owners!!

Much Love,


Clearwater, FL

Behavioral change in my puppy in the first five minutes. Wonderful instruction for the owners and the dogs all in a caring and gentle manner.

Cathy B.

Ellenton, FL

Hey Will! Thanks so much for our session today! My wife and I are really excited for our homework! You really explained everything really well and answered all of our questions, so again, thank you very much!

David D.

St. Pete, FL

He never made us feel rushed and wanted to be sure we understood how important the exercises are for success.

Heather G.

Myakka, FL

*Hi Will,

We are on day 4 of training and doing all the homework with
Fonzie.   Thank you for leaving all the instructional
literature, it’ s brilliant and we have read, re-read and referred to it a
bunch !  We’re SO
happy to report that Fonzie has become calmer, and very much less assertive .

Started right away the very first night after you left.  We are more
relaxed too.

we’re not even a week into your training system, and wow… we are so pleased ,
Fonzie is too !  … Great stuff

Doing ALL the work , every exercise as you prescribed!
We’re committed to it, it
is working and Fonzie is such a great dog !
  Thanks you so much
Will for sharing all with us last weekend, and for being a great coach with
your follow -up and encouragement.

Keep you posted !

Kindest regards,

Christi and Ed

Thonotosassa, FL

*Will, I don’t know if I ever told you this but 4 1/2 years ago I called you because our new dog wouldn’t stop chasing our cat. The advice you gave worked immediately and after a few times, permanently. My cat has since passed over but I still think of you from time to time and just wanted to thank you! 

I hope you are doing well! Blessings to you! 

Kind Regards,

BL, Florida


*Penny & Wayne here………………WOW, what a day yesterday!

It was wonderful.  We absolutely cannot thank you enough.  Your wisdom is priceless

And boy, were you right about yesterday.  All 3 of us napped like 3 dead guys.  

Again, we cannot thank you enough for helping us to allow our new girl to be the happiest dog she can……for many happy years ahead.   we’ll let you know how she’s doing from time to time!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Most Sincere,

Wayne & Penny J.

Matti & Charity

North Port FL


*Hello Will ,Ed, myself and Fonzie want to wish you and your family a very happy and blessed Christmas season this year!

Your superb dog training has left a sweet and permanent impression on our beloved Fonzie. He is now just over a  year old and, is a perfect

What an amazing transformation from pup to now!

We think of your training session often, and with such gratitude for you teaching us how to incorporate Fonzie into our “pack “.

He’s really smart, and loves to learn new things.  He’s running a long side
me now for 5K runs !  He’s fun, sweet natured and such a delight to
everyone he meets.

Thanks again Will and please let us know anytime, if you would like our personal reference to someone for your dog training course.

Kindest regards always,

Christi, Ed and Fonzie V.

*Hi Will! I’d like to thank you SO much for the insight and completely different and smart way to look at dog training. We had tried everything and nothing ever worked on any of our dogs because WE were the problem not them! Ruby was 10 weeks old when you came and has been absolutely perfect and she is now almost 4 years old!

Carolyn D.

St. Petersburg, FL


Click Here To Email Me

[email protected]

Will Thomas

Dog Whisperer

*Land line no text

*Results may vary from dog to dog.