
In Home Session


The “In Home Session” is a full spectrum handling for you and your dog(s). My goal is for you to Easily and Naturally have a great relationship with your dog or dogs.  I like to see dogs as part of the family and occupying their role of “man’s best friend”.  When dogs exhibit “bad behavior”, such as chewing, digging, barking, jumping on people, aggression etc., there is usually an underlying reason. In a short time I can easily find that reason and naturally restore balance to the entire household, which of course includes the dogs.  It usually only takes me a few minutes to see what is out of balance and a few minutes to fix it with the dog.  Then I work with the humans to explain what I did and show them how to do it when I am gone.  I also set-up a regular routine that when followed by the humans, will restore balance and harmony in the dog/human relationship.

I work with dogs at their instinctual level. This is a very natural way to handle a dog. I teach you how to do this too.  

One of the reasons that I am so successful is that I can quickly spot the root cause of most behavioral issues.  Whatever is actually wrong is creating an un-balanced state in the dog. Often the root cause isn’t apparent to the owner or he would have handled it.  Once I get the dog balanced, the “bad” behaviors subside. This is why I can handle all of your issues in just one session.  

You will learn more about living with and raising dogs in 1 session than most “trainers” know!

One of the most frequent comments I get from clients is “I can’t believe that’s my dog” when they see me with him. That is because dogs respond to energy and I have a positive energy with dogs.  They can see that I am communicating to them in a way that they can understand. They usually act quite differently with me than they do with their owner.

I do not use E-collars (shock collars), clickers, treats, head halters, choke collars, cages or any special devices.  I do not use violence or harsh corrections.  I do use techniques that align perfectly with dog’s genetic instincts.  It is very easy to handle dogs when you fully understand them and know what is natural to them.  Shock collars, cages, clickers and treats are not natural to a dog.

If you are still having trouble with your dog after you have tried handling it yourself or with another trainer, either you haven’t found the reason for the problem or you haven’t found the right solution.  I always find the correct reason and the correct solution.

Sometimes I enlist the help of one or more of my own well-balanced dogs to help teach the client’s dog. A well-balanced dog helps to calm other dogs and get them more balanced.

Most people, no matter how much they read about training dogs still revert to using the same human psychology that they use with their human friends and family. One of the first things I tell all of my clients is that a dog is a dog.  They are very good at being a dog.  To the degree that we humanize a dog we have “bad behaviors” popping up.  I’m not saying that you shouldn’t love your dogs and include them in all that you do.  I am just saying that there is a correct way to do it that is natural to the dog.   Once we are on the same page as the dog, our relationship gets even better. This is what “Dog Whispering” is all about.


I am so certain that my methods work that I will give you FREE lifetime support for my service (applies only to full in-home session, not phone sessions, clinics or hourly sessions).  For the lifetime of your dog, I will help you with unlimited follow-up sessions on the phone or by email  as needed.  The only requirement is that you follow the instructions that I give you during our session together. If new issues come up I will even help you with those as well.

I will show you exactly what to do and how to do it so that you can have the dog that you always wanted. You will be able to apply my methods because I designed my methods to be simple yet effective.

Please call or email me for a FREE CONSULTATION to go over your situation. Sometimes my free advice is enough to solve your problem.

I look forward to helping you.

Will Thomas

I offer sessions 7 days a week, morning, afternoon or evening.

Email or call any day, any time:  

[email protected]

*Land line, no text


I don’t teach your dogs to follow you. I teach you to BE someone who your dog is compelled to follow.

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