
Frequently Asked Questions

I need your help with my dog’s behavior, what’s my first step?

Email me a short summary of what you need help with or call me any time. When we talk, I’ll explain how I can help you. I’ll also give you some advice that will help you whether you enlist my help or not. After our call I will get you scheduled.

How can you help me with only one session?

I show you how to easily and naturally get & keep your dogs balanced. Because it’s easy & fun for you & your dogs you will realize that you can experience all that you want with your dog. As you can imagine, balanced dogs act differently than unbalanced dogs. You will have homework to do when I leave. I usually prescribe the homework for about 2 weeks during which time you’ll be doing some different or extra things with your dogs.

I have three dogs. Is your fee more?

My fee is the same up to about 8 dogs in your home.

How long is the session?

Plan about 3 hours. If I need more time, no worries, I’m not on the clock. I have a certain few things that I have to teach you & I’ll be there until you know everything you need to know to change things & restore harmony to your home.

Do you have to see the unwanted behaviors to fix them?

No. If I do that’s fine too. I help you to easily and naturally create balance that, along with increased trust & respect, will lead to instinctual cooperation. Imagine that! Your dogs will begin to defer to you for your decision rather than doing the things you don’t want.  Some clients have a long list of unwanted behaviors. Because balance is so important, once the dogs are balanced most of the unwanted behaviors dissipate. It’s quite amazing.

Do you come to me?

Yes, I travel the entire state of Florida helping dogs, including but not limited to the following counties:

Hillsborough County including Tampa Bay

Hernando County

Pinellas County

Sarasota County

Lee County

Osceola County

Collier County

Charlotte County

Orange County

Marion County

Sumter County

Polk County

How much is the session?

I’m a specialist. I’m not cheap. I travel the entire state helping dogs. After reading this please call or email me with where you live & I’ll tell you my fee.

Do you work every day?

Yes, even weekends & holidays.

Do you use E-collars, shock collars, choke collars, prong collars or any oher corrective gadgets or devices?

No. You don’t need pain or fear of pain to train. I don’t even use commands or hand signals and no treats for training or behavior. Just You & your dog. It’s very primal & instinctual.

Do you accept credit cards?

Yes. Credit, debit or cash. No checks.

Will Thomas

Dog Whisperer

*Land line, no text

I don’t teach your dogs to follow you. I teach you to BE someone who your dog is compelled to follow.

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